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Now at this point, I was ready to give up hope of fighting and winning, but I didn't want to tell that to the young squirt who just found out that she may have broken her leg. As I was trying to help her a loud crack of thunder came crashing down on Thanos. The man of thunder came crashing down onto Thanos crashing his abnormally large ax into the purple man's chest. If this was one of those vinyl video games where it tells the amount of health someone loses, it would look more like 800/1000 health lost for Thanos. The guy was powerful and now that he has all the stones, it made him the most powerful being in the entire universe. A god of thunder wouldn't do much damage. Like the rest of us, the god failed at killing the unkillable.

Third-person pov:

The fallen Avengers gathered on the losing field. The sounds of battle carried over from the far off fight on the other side of Wakanda. Faces of sadness and loss became clear of the faces of the Avengers. Some injured greatly and others making it out with a few scratches and heartache. Penelope had managed to accumulate both a concussion, a badly injured leg and several bad looking bruises and cuts. Bucky, being the man he is, helped the poor girl to her feet and keep her steady. The others looked around nervously. The wind howled through the trees sending shivers up several of the world's mightiest heroes, course they would never admit it.

Steve Rogers, the man out of time, the man who fell for his best friend, was glancing around at his teammates and family. He would never admit it out loud but he was terrified, he didn't want to lose Nat, or the Stark child he swore he would protect, or the man he's known for over one-hundred years. Protecting Penelope was his mission, making sure she didn't intervene was another but that failed, as well as making sure she didn't have a scratch on her way to go Captain.

The others, like Steve, had made a promise to protect someone, for most that were the young Stark, but for others it was family. Another howl went through the trees and then, nothing. The sound of the raging battle decreasing one by one.

"Steve," a desperate James Barnes said, the young Stark desperately trying to cling onto the falling soldier

"Buck? Ow," the Stark said hurtful. She fell into the pile of the dusted Bucky. She looked in shock. "Oh god, please no," She said. Sounding desperate for it to be a trick of the eye. Steve walked over the girl and the fallen soldier. He put a hand on the young girls back and slowly picked her up. Still, in shock, both of them hugged one another. They had each other and that's what matters at the time, but others were leaving them too. 

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