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💌 "I love knowing
what butterflies
           feel like again," 💌

•Harry's POV•

It was finally the weekend and me and Finn had agreed to hang out near the lake.

I was sitting near the pond on a blanket in a hidden away area surrounded by trees awaiting for Finn to arrive.

I wait for 20 minutes before I receive a text letting me know he's going to be a little late. I frown silently to myself as I read it.

I throw a small rock into the pond still unable to shake off the frown.

"Hey, you okay?" A familiar voice says quietly

I look up and see Louis coming towards me. He sits next to me on the blanket and I try to put on a smile

"Yeah, everything's fine, just had plans with Finn and he postponed last minute," I say looking down

"Very last minute I would presume seeing as you're already here," Louis says trying to get me to look at him

"Yeah he does this a lot, but I don't mind," I say looking up

"Well I can keep you company if you don't feel like waiting alone," Louis says looking into my eyes

"Yeah, yeah, I'd like that," I say a smile subconsciously creeping onto my face

"You're not here with Liam or Niall?" I ask trying to start up a conversation

"No, I just come here to relax when I'm overthinking things," Louis says laying down using his hands to support his head

"Oh, what're you overthinking about?" I ask looking down at him

"Just college stuff," he answers closing his eyes

"Do you have any plans for the future? You know like after you graduate college?" I say deciding to lay down as well

"Well, I'm actually thinking of becoming a drama teacher. I mean I love theater and you know helping people who are just as passionate about it improve and achieve their goals sounds pretty cool too," Louis says his eyes lighting up as he talks about it

"Well maybe not achieve their goals, it is just high school theatre after all, but I feel like I could impact them nonetheless," He says with a shrug

"Wow that's great, you talk about that with so much passion I've never really thought about mine. I'm glad you know though, I want you to be happy," I tell him with a smile

"Sorry if that's weird, I know that we barely know each other but I just feel a connection with you, sorry if that's weird too," I tell him shyly

"No no it's fine, I feel the connection too," Louis says calmly

We stare up at the sky silently for a while the quiet chirping of birds being the only sound that can be heard

"So what about you? What are your plans?" Louis asks looking at me and breaking the silence

"Um, I'm not really sure what I wanna be, I know that's really bad seeing as I only have a year of high school left and I should be looking at colleges and everything but I don't know," I say turning my body to face him

"Do you have a general idea?" Louis asks also turning his body to face me

"I know I want to work with, like some sort of artistic job, sorry if that's vague, maybe like a photographer," I say with a nervous chuckle

"Don't be nervous love, I'm sure everything will work out," He says lightly placing his hand over mine

Butterflies erupt in my stomach his beautiful blue eyes being the only thing I can focus on, I blush with a smile never wanting to make my eyes leave his

"Are you boys done or do you need another minute to finish eye fucking each other," Finn's voice suddenly interrupts

I immediately pull my hand away and sit up turning my head to look at Finn. I look back at Louis and see him frown at my immediate pull away.

"We weren't doing anything Finn," I say realizing how close I was sitting to Louis

"I was just keeping Harry company while he waited," Louis says looking at Finn as well

"He doesn't need your company," Finn says glaring down at Louis

"I wasn't the one who left him sitting here alone and upset," Louis says turning to look at me

"So what? He isn't a kid, he can wait by himself," Finn says crossing his arms

"Don't hang out with Harry, it'll end bad for you," Finn says rolling his eyes

"What are you talking about?" I say genuinely confused

"Oh just I know exactly which way you swing, you try to deny it but I know just how much of a fag you are Harry," Finn says with a smug smile

I'm completely horrified by his words I feel exposed and betrayed was he joking?

Louis stands up and gets in Finns face completely prepared to fight,

"Shut the fuck up," Louis growls at him

"Oh yeah, come at me tough guy, I'm just trying to save you the pain of being around this guy," Finn says gesturing towards me

I frown feeling confused why was he acting like this all of a sudden

"I told you to shut the fuck up!" Louis says pushing Finn making him fall backwards

I get up and run in between them not want this to escalate any further.

"Louis, Louis, it's okay," I say holding him back

"Everything's fine, I'll be okay, I'll just leave okay? I'll sort everything through with Finn, he didn't mean it, we're just like that always teasing, but it's nothing," I say desperately trying to calm him and convince myself

"Yeah why don't you listen to your bitch," Finn says despite still being in the floor

Louis tenses again and he tries to attack Finn once again

"Louis it's fine just go, I'll be okay," I tell Louis

He shakes his head calming down but not wanting to leave, Finn gets up now and the smug smile is still on his face,

"Harry, cmon lets go," Finn says gesturing  for me to come over

I walk over to him automatically I wave goodbye to Louis and we leave the secluded area.

"Did you really mean all that or were you just trying to piss Louis off?" I ask as we walk away

"I was just trying to piss Louis off, don't get all insecure on me," Finn says putting an arm over my shoulder

"Why?That wasn't okay I hate that side of you. Why do you hate Louis so much?" I ask after a moment of silence

"Let's not talk about that, okay? How about we get ice cream instead? I'll pay," Finn says leading me to his car

"Okay," I say beginning to feel bad for leaving Louis behind

A part of me longed to be with Louis instead, but Finn was my friend abandoning him would be a shitty thing to do right?

Besides who else did I have?
A/n: another chapter :)

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