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End of June
•Harry's POV•

I awake to the sound of loud buzzing in the distance. I sit up in my bed confused. Quickly I slip on my slippers and head downstairs

Mysteriously I see a skinny black haired figure standing over the blender. The figure clicks it off and hums a tune as he continues to pore the smoothie into several cups.

His arms are laced with several tattoos and he wears a black t-shirt loosely.

"Who the hell are you?" I say finally speaking up from my spot on the stairs

The boy turns around quickly and stares at me in shock.

"You're awake," He says grabbing a smoothie and handing it to me

"Oh right, I'm Zayn," he says looking at the ground

"Okay? What are you doing here?" I ask weirded out

"The bo- Louis, went to go get groceries and left me to watch over you," Zayn answers nervously

"Louis?" I ask hesitantly drinking the smoothie

"Yeah Louis, Liam, Niall. You know them right? We didn't just break into a strangers house right?" Zayn asks genuinely worried

"Yeah I know them, but how do you know them?" I ask walking over to sit on the stool in the kitchen

"I'm Louis' roommate at college. Liam and Niall kinda dragged me here. Not that I'm not happy to be here! You have a lovely home," Zayn responds taking a sip from one of the many smoothies

"So Liam and Niall are here too? But they weren't supposed to be back for another week?" I say asking myself more than Zayn

"Yeah they were worried about Louis and you. Harry right?" He says giving me a nervous smile

"Yeah, So where are the boys?" I ask finding his constant worrying endearing

"Liam and Niall went to let their families know they were back and Louis like I already told you went to get groceries." Zayn says seeming a bit more confident

"Are you and Louis dating?" He asks abruptly

"Yeah, we are actually," I say with a small smile

The door suddenly burst open and a tired looking Louis comes in with 3 bags on each arm.

"Let me help you," I say rushing over to him

"No, you shouldn't be carrying anything heavy," Louis says flinching away from me

"Why?" I say frowning at him

"Because you're weak," Louis responds sassily he places the bags of food on the counter

I follow after him and he gives me a peck on the lips before noticing the smoothies and chugging one down

"These are great Zayn" Louis states sipping another one

"Thanks" Zayn says awkwardly

"Louis can we talk?" I ask suddenly remembering the situation I'm in

"Uhh sure, Zayn let me know when Liam and Niall come back okay?" Louis says as I lead him away into my bedroom

We sit down at the edge of my bed and we're silent for a while. I needed to do this. He had a right to know.

"You know how you wanted to come down here early and I told you I didn't want to see you?" I say finally speaking up

"Yeah?" Louis says noticing the serious mood

"There's a reason for that. I- I'm- you know I've been sick for a while right?" I tell him quietly

"You're not dying are you?" Louis says panic in his voice

"No, Louis that's not it," I say giving him a sad smile

"The opposite really, life is growing inside of me," I say my eyes beginning to tear up

"I'm pregnant Louis, and I'm really fucking scared to see how you'll react because I know I'm completely ruining all your plans for the future and I'm sorry but I'm keeping it," I finally tell him through tears

"I'm so sorry, I get it if you never wanna speak to me again," I say looking away his face still unreadable

"You're pregnant?" Louis finally says furrowing his eyebrows

I nod feeling absolutely terrified.

He pulls me into a hug and kisses my hair. Holding me as I release small sobs

"We'll get through this together, we'll raise it, I'll stick by you Harry," he whispers while rubbing my back

"I'll- I'll drop out, to care for you," He says still holding me

"No," I say pulling back

"I don't want you to drop out for me, or at all. That's your future Louis you can't do that," I say sniffling

"You and that baby are my future now," he says cupping my face and whipping away my tears

"Louis don't. Please don't drop out," I beg him

"Harry you're gonna need me around," Louis responds

"I'll manage, Plus we're gonna have to make money to care for the baby, an- and you staying in college will help that," I tell him desperately

"What about you Harry? You still have all your senior year, how are you gonna manage? Will you drop out?" Louis asks sincerely

"Maybe keeping the baby isn't in our best interests love," He says quietly

"Best interest? Of course it's not! If it was I wouldn't be sobbing and we'd be a lot older and married with stable jobs. But this is happening to us now and I'm keeping the baby because a part of me already loves it. So if you wanna leave that's okay but don't try to get me to change my mind about this baby," I tell him plainly

"You're right, I'm sorry." Louis says pulling me closer

"I could never leave you," He says cuddling me

"We'll figure it out okay?" He tells me in a whisper

We lay in my bed silently to afraid to break the silence and despite the fact that I knew I was utterly screwed I felt as if I would be okay.

"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Louis says nervously

"As long as it's healthy I'm happy," I answer snuggling into him

He hums in agreement and presses a kiss to my forehead.

Maybe we would be okay

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