Part 8 - (Riku's POV)

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I could hear Kairi cheering for us both as I sprinted through the track. Sora was a fair ways ahead, but the finish line was still a ways to go yet. I could easily overtake him with some effort, but I'd let him have the small victory of having half the points as I had for once. Besides, this was a good opportunity to clear my mind. I had told Sora I didn't care who he liked back, but the more I thought about it, the more selfish my thoughts became. I realised I wanted him all to myself... But I had seen how Kairi felt when she thought him and Kirina were together, and I knew that even if she said it was fine like I knew she would, it really wouldn't be. I couldn't bring myself to do that to her. I scolded myself silently. None of this was up to me, it was up to Sora. Sora should do what he wanted, and as his best friend I should stand by whatever choice he made.

I rounded the last corner, leapt across the broken bridge and arrived to meet an already gloating, happy Sora, and a small gather of our friends who had turned up for a picnic. Kirina, Namine, Xion, Tidus, Wakka, Selphie, Roxas and a few others were there. Kairi had invited them. Both she and I had come to accept Kirina, sort of. She wasn't clinging to Sora every second of the day. Whatever they had talked about two days ago had made her look more comfortable around others and less clingy to Sora.

"That's 150 to 300! I've got half you're score now!" Sora gloated joyfully, hopping up and down. I raised an eyebrow and flicked him in the forehead playfully. Typical Sora fashion he went flying backwards, much to the crowd's amusement. He jumps back to his feet and pointed at me declaring, "You better be careful, or I'll overtake you soon! I haven't been this close to your score in years!"

"Since we started keeping tally. And having only half my score is nothing to be proud of," I retaliated half-heartedly.

"But I won this time, a lot quicker than you. I'm amazing, aren't I, Riku?!" Sora went around to the gathered group, boasting to anybody that would listen. He was an embarrassing idiot sometimes, but that just added to his charm. Kairi pulled me aside suddenly.

"You let him win again, didn't you?" she scolded.

"It's only the hundredth or so time that I have," I smirked and shrugged.

"Rikuuu!" She sighed, smiled a bit and gave me a light thwack over the head.

While the food was devoured almost instantaneously, the sun was starting to go down by the time the picnic set up was packed away. Everyone left with their usual friend group with exception of Sora, Kairi and myself. We decided to stay a bit longer, since we didn't come here as often as we'd like anymore.

"Kirina seems to have gotten use to hanging out with Namine and Xion. Are you okay with that, Sora?" Kairi asked.

"Yeah. She'll be fine and Seifer isn't gonna bother her anymore, I made sure of that. Now I have more time to look after you guys!" Kairi and I rolled our eyes at him for a moment.

"You, look after us? I'm pretty sure it's the other way around," Kairi joked. He put his hand behind his head and laughed sheepishly.

We joked around a bit longer but Kairi eventually pointed out we should go back to the mainland soon because we had school tomorrow. She volunteered to go get the boats ready, leaving me alone with Sora for the first time since I told him how I felt. I was nervous, what I had said had had time to sink in and this would be the true test of whether or not our friendship could return to the same as it's always been.

"So Riku... Earlier you said..." He gulped awkwardly and uncertainly.

"Everything I said was true. Having said that, however, Kairi likes you too. She... maybe this isn't my place to divulge, but you have to understand... She was crying here the other day because she thought you and Kirina were in love. I have you as my best friend, that's all I need and I'm eternally grateful for that. I want both of you to be happy, so go to her."

"But what about how you feel, Riku? You're just as important! You're always thinking about us in one way or another. For me at the very least, can you think about yourself for once?"

"I'm more selfish than you think. I've thought only about myself way too any times before in the past. I know what I want. If you have any feelings for Kairi then I want you two to be together, really." Tears sparkled in his eyes and he hugged me tight. My heart beat faster and I was a wreck on the inside, but Sora and Kairi were perfect for each other, this is the way it had to be.

A/N: It's not over yet, there will be two endings coming soon. I do not favour either upcoming endings so accept the one you like better when they come around.

I won't let you make a rift between us (Soriku/Sokai story)Where stories live. Discover now