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I don't own naruto everything belongs to their rightful owners

Naruko's P.O.V

      I was just awakened by Shika since he's the only one who can and he gets extremely mad if someone else tries to wake me up. He told me breakfast was ready after saying good morning then he left the room so I got ready I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and hair, put my hair up in my signature pigtails. I then got dressed I put on a non-see-through grey fishnet shirt, black shorts, knee-length socks, an orange and black cropped jacket that had the Uzumaki symbol on the back, and black shinobi ankle sandals.

       I then went downstairs to eat breakfast once both me and Shika were done we went to our favorite hill where Shika either watched clouds or slept while I meditated and talked to Kurama

In mindscape

     When I opened my eyes I found my self in my mind which I changed from looking like a sewer to a clearing in a forest next to a waterfall and a lake and there was no longer a cage. "Good morning Kurama how are you" I asked "I'm doing fine kit Though I been thinking that you and your Nara brother should start training yourselves I can help if you want" he said "Really wow, thanks Kurama I'll go ask Shika about it" I then left my mind and opened up my eyes. "Hey Shika," I said while turning towards him "yes Naru" "would you be ok with Kurama training us," I asked "Yeah sure why not," he said in reply but not without mumbling troublesome under his breath.

     I then told Kurama he then started telling us to work on our strength and stamina so after getting some waits we started with ten pounds each on our arms and legs with five on our chest. We then went on to do a simple workout a few laps around the training ground that was nearby, pushups, sit-ups. Once we were done with that we took a break for lunch, after lunch we started on chakra control exercise which was just getting a leaf to stick to our bodies without burning it or allowing it to fall off and meditating. But for this meditating, I didn't go into my mind and see Kurama, after hours of doing that it was time to head home so we started heading back.

Time skip next day

Shika and I were training again when we decided to take a break "hey Shika Kurama thinks we should ask the Hokage to allow us to join anbu" I said "I want to even though they don't need us" I then continued on explaining why I agreed. "Yea we should but only when we're a little bit stronger," Shika told me so we continued training and talking about us joining anbu. A few days later I and Shika were having a picnic in the Nara forest when two baby foxes came up to us one was an orange-red color while its brother was a pitch-black color.

The red one came up to me and the black one went up to Shika "hey little kit" I said while picking her up. "I and brother lost mama," she said with tears in her eyes "what do you mean kit," I asked somehow understanding her. "Bad men came and hurt mama" she said her brother then spoke up "she went to sleep and hasn't gotten up for 2days" "oh well if you want me and Shika, he's my brother we can take care of you kits" I said looking at Shika who nodded his head in reply.

Both then looked up at us with smiles or well at least what looked like a smile "Really you'd do that for us" the girl asked "of course we would" Shika then said. I was shocked he was also able to understand them I thought it was only me because of Kurama. "So little kit," I said smiling down at her "what are your names," I asked "I'm pyra" the girl answered "and I'm shad" the boy then said.

We then headed home to where we found our parents sitting in the living room with the Hokage "mom, dad what's going on" Shika asked them. "Well the Hokage and kasekage decided that to strengthen the bonds between our villages that 2 clan hairs from each village will get married when they turn 18" Yoshino-San said "and the two children from our village will be you two, tomorrow you both will come with me to meet your future husband and wife alright" the Hokage stated we both just nodded our heads still in shock.

I then turned to yoshino~San and Shikoku-San with shock still clearly showing on my face I asked them "Yoshino-San, Shikaku-San would it be alright if we keep these little Fox's there mother was killed and we can train them to become our future partners when we become ninja" I said giving them my cutest face. "Sure why not," Yoshino-San said giving us a smile we then at dinner and we told them their names and asked them if they could watch over the fox twins while we are gone. They instantly agreed and said they would get them checked out by the inuzakas for us before we went to bed.

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