Chapter 5

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Michael fiddled with his pen as he listened to Mr. Johnson go on about the history of Crestville City. He soon droned out and was lost in his thoughts. The last thing he remembered before waking up was the dark-skinned man standing over his fallen body, spilled water somewhere beside him along with the cup.

Everything the intimidating man had said was still jumbled up in his brain.

Slick and Heath...

Altering a person's mind...

Him being one of them...

None of it made any sense, but at least they let him go. He'd have to tell Captain Ruiz about them, then they'd be sorry. Yeah, that's what he'd do. He'd also ask for a new security detail. The ones assigned to him were just a bunch of idiots.

When he woke up; in his bedroom no less, he immediately went out to ask his security detail who dropped him off. They had replied with a laid-back attitude, something about a redhead girl and her mother.

He had face palmed in front of them but he said nothing else. How weren't they suspicious, like at all?

Well, in their defense, Crestville was a peaceful city so the cops didn't really have anything to do. It seemed to have made them incompetent and weak.

"Earth to Mr. McKing... Mr. McKing..." Mr. Johnson's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He blinked and sat up straight.
Being a back bencher, everyone in the class had turned around to stare at him. He didn't get why they were staring this time, so he stared right back.

There was an awkward silence in the classroom. Mr. Johnson sighed before he asked, "Didn't you hear the announcement, Mr. McKing?" He frowned a little in confusion. Announcement? What announcement?

"I guess you didn't," Mr. Johnson muttered. "The principal would like to see you in his office. Now..."

"Oh," Michael said softly as he rose from his seat. "Why?"

Mr. Johnson cocked his head to the side slightly and folded his arms. "And how would I know that, Mr. McKing?" he asked, his voice suddenly sharper. Michael knew if he didn't leave, another detention might be in his future.

"Right..." He slung his bag over his shoulder and hurried out of the class, closing the door behind him.

The hallway was deserted. Classes were ongoing so that was to be expected. The principal's office was on the next floor so he headed for the stairs. He passed by classrooms and lockers decorated to the owner's taste.

He walked past the shiny trophy cabinet just opposite the stairs. He didn't need to look closely at the framed picture in the middle of the cabinet to know the people there. A younger Principal Matthews was shaking hands with a man in front of Crestville Junior High School.
man was as tall as the principal, his blonde hair was side-swept but the man obviously tried to comb it back, as a few unruly bangs fell lazily across his bright blue eyes. His smile seemed so pure and full of life.

Michael would know... He used to have the same smile.

He ran up the stairs and got to the next floor. The lockers on this floor were a bit larger and were green; the ones on his floor were blue. These lockers were sparsely decorated, the classrooms were quieter and the hallway was spotless and student-less, save the hall monitor who just walked by.

He didn't spare Michael a second glance, he was probably off to catch loitering students on the floor below. He was one of the few students who didn't stare. The blonde respected him for that.

Michael walked down the hallway and made a right. At the end of the hallway was a brown door with the word Principal Matthews inscribed boldly at the top. He knocked on the door and entered, not waiting for a response.

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