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"Now, Estelle–"

"Don't lie to me!" She shoved Jason when he tried to put a hand on her shoulder. "Tell me the truth! You want a war between the Clans and Nurem! Why?"

" are smart." Vaneer nodded judiciously. "All right. You're correct."

"Why?" Estelle took a step back. "Do you realize how many people would die?"

"War pits people into life-and-death situations." How could Vaneer be calm and methodical when literally discussing... "Life-and-death forces people to look inside themselves and utilize all their potential to overcome challenges. People will find their Gifts in the horror of war."

"...Gifts?" Estelle stared him down. "Gifts? We're supposed to be the Guiding Light, not a gang of warmongering–"

"Stella, calm down."

"You knew about this?" She whirled on Jason. "You support this?"


"Don't Stella me!" She clenched her fists. "Yes or no?"

Jason let out a long breath. "The Messiah knows what's best. He hasn't led us wrong before."

No one had driven a knife into her back, but the white-hot lance of a stab wound ripped her up from the inside. "You...why do you want more Gifted?"

"Because then the Light can recruit them." Vaneer's violet gaze could have cut stone. "In the chaos of war, they can be spirited away and brought here, where they can learn about themselves."

"And if they don't want to?"

"People die in war." In four words, Jason turned her stomach to ice. "Stella, be reasonable: we're bound for a brighter future. A future of the Gifted, watching over this world and protecting it from threats beyond the ken of mere mortals."

Jason...and Vaneer. Vaneer and Jason. Estelle's gaze went to one, then the other.

She nearly threw up as the connection finally came together. "Where is Kui?"


"What have you done with him?" Estelle took two steps this time, until she'd nearly seized Vaneer by the collar. The White Hand officers appeared at her flanks, practically holding her back.

"He and Tempest are having a conversation about his future here."

Estelle swallowed."You're lying."

"Stella! Stella, breathe!" Jason caught her hand, pulling her back. "You're one of us. You joined the Light, studied what we are...there are methods to our madness. We are trying to save the world, but we need the Gifted to do it."

"Why?" Was there any world, any circumstance, any universe where this was the way?

"Plan Thirteen." Vaneer held up a folder emblazoned with nothing but the number, written in the old hand. "You don't know what's coming. What threats sit in the darkness, hoping we fail to evolve as necessary. If you settle down, Estelle, and conduct the mission I've given you, we'll bring you in on the details."

"Your mission is to start another Iron Sea War, and you won't stop with making me kill MacTavish." If she was sure of nothing else, she was certain of that. "You'll send me after anyone standing for peace like your personal assassin!"

"Stella!" Jason moved his hand to her cheek. "I'm sorry we kept you in the dark, but you're acting like a child. We are the Guiding Light. We follow the Messiah's will, and here it is. This is what I trained you to do. We're a team, aren't we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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