Day In The Life Of A Spoiled Brat

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Thabile's P.O.V 

I arrived at school to find the best parking space, (the one right next to the school gate obviously, walking across the school parking lot was always a drag) occupied by a yellow barricade with the sign RESERVED. Upon seeing my car, the guard quickly removed the barricade and waved to me. I smiled at him, knowing how cold my eyes were. I opened my door to be greeted by the guard. 

'Good morning Ms Munsango (Moon-san-go) how was your holiday?' He asked smiling 

'It was fine and yours?' I said a little enthusiastically. 

'It was very tiring, in fact, and I was thinking about how tiring it was to be lifting this bar everyday to be holding your parking space,' He trailed off leaving me to finish. Of course, I had forgotten about how I had paid him US$100 at the beginning of the year to keep this parking space for me. 

'Of course I know how hard it is to be dragging this thing everywhere, and I appreciate your efforts very much," I said as I pulled my wallet out of my bag. 

'Oh no, I don't want money this time, you helped me pay off my debts, but now I need something else,' he said with a mischievous air. 

'I can do your grocery shopping for the rest of the term if you want,' I said not hinting at what he wanted. 

'That's not what I want,' he said evilly. 

'Then whatever do you want? I'm about to be late for class,' I said impatiently. 

'I tend to get a bit lonely in the evenings when I'm looking after this blasted school,' He patted the crotch area of his khaki trousers,'Or shall I say we get a bit lonely,' He laughed loudly. I stood absolutely transfixed to the ground, my jaw was clenched tightly. The guard laughed once again before walking closer to me and putting one hand on my cheek, I was surprised to see how short he was compared to me. 

'Don't worry babe,' he whispered,'I'm not asking for anything extreme, I just want a simple blowjob, that's all, you're probably still a virgin anyway,' he chuckled and walked away, as he strolled across the parking lot he turned around and blew a kiss to me. I flinched backward in disgust and looked around the parking lot, astonished to see that it was empty. I checked my teal blue Ice watch to see that the bell for the first lesson had rung well over three minutes ago.I retrieved my lumo pink tote bag from the boot of my car before walking into the school and straight into English four minutes late. 

I sat down at a table at lunch time, only to have practically th whole school crowd around me. Not that I wasn't used to that already. English was full of glares from the teacher, because of those not so discreetly sent notes and the very audible whispers from people who wanted to know why I had been late for school. I was bombarded with questions about how my not-so-fabulous holiday had gone. I had listened half-heartedly to those people because I was too busy thinking about what the guard had said. I mean of course I wasn't seriously considering this! I mean, think about what that would do to my reputation if word got out. But knowing the stupid snobs at this school, my reputation would be more seriously damaged if I didn't have that space. Word would get out that I was no longer considered popular, if somebody else were to park in that space. I took a deep breath and took a bite out of my apple and thought deeply. The bell rang and I knew what I needed to do. I threw my apple in the bin even though I had only taken one bite out of it. 

At the end of the school day, I sat in the library and read a book. Anybody who knew me, and I mean REALLY knew me would have questioned my actions. I needed to wait for the school to clear out before I could do possibly the most disgusting thing that I could ever do. At promptly six o'clock the teacher in charge told me that she was locking up and that I needed to go home. I waited until I thought she had pulled out of the school and there were absolutely no cars left in the parking lot. I walked across to the guards' box at the entrance to the school parking lot. I knocked loudly on the door and waited. The guard who had approached me earlier opened the door. He nodded and said, 'So I see you made the right decision,' he looked me up and down very slowly and lustfully. He licked his lips before finally meeting my eyes. He winked at me and opened the door wider. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable, did I know what I was doing? 

'Change of plan guard boy,' I said confidently, 'I'm not playing your game, you see... I like to be the one on top making all the orders,' He stared at me blankly, 'In other words,' I said,' Find some other dirty slut to entertain you tonight,' I turned on my heel and walked halfway across the parking lot before I felt a strong grip on my arm. 

'So tell me girlie,' A gruff voice whispered in my ear,'You waited until the car park was completely empty and nobody was around just to tell me that? Well I'm no judge but that was a dumbass move girlie,' His breath stank of alcohol and I caught something else.... could it have been weed? 

He jerked me back and slapped me hard. I held my hand to my cheek and looked at the ground to avoid meeting his eyes. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I spat in his face and stole a kick to his groin. He doubled over and looked up and stared at me hard. 

'You'll pay for that one girlie,' he spat his words out. I turned around and made a mad dash to my car (which I had very inconveniently parked at the other end of the parking lot). I was an athlete but now I hadn't been running for quite a while. I was panting heavily by the time I reached my car and not only out of exhaustion, but also with fear. My hands kept on fumbling as I searched my bag for my keys. I eventually grabbed them and unlocked my car. My hands were shaking as I tried to turn the key into ignition. I sighed with relief as I heard the soft purr of my buggy. I heard a banging on my windo and turned to see the guard, his face twisted in a sadistic smile. My heart leapt up and started beating 20 times faster than normal. I put the car in gear and reversed at a speed that probably would'nt be advised. I turned the steering wheel frantically and drove as fast as I could put of the school gates. I could hear him screaming curse words as he chased after my car, but eventually gave up as I was moving too fast for him.

I reached home in under ten minutes, surprised that the police hadn't stopped me. I relaxed in my seat and laughed my head off. After five minutes my emotions had taken a turn and I was soon bawling my eyes out. I sniffed and got out of the car. I rushed through the door and raced up the stairs hoping to avoid any contact. Halfway up the stairs I was met by Molly, 

'Where have you been? It is 6 o'clock and you are arriving now? Your father would not be happy about this....' I didn't hear the rest of that conversation. I pushed past her and continued up the stairs, hearing her scold me in Zulu under her breath. I dumped my stuff on the floor  and craawled into bed. I cried myself to sleep that night. My  dreams were full of alcohol stained breath and getaway cars. 

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