eight - my little death eater adventures

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Before I went into hiding, I was a fake Death Eater. For a year. You can imagine that I more or less had quite an experience.

Good thing I wrote some of them down.


October 19, 1978

It has been a month since I was branded with the Dark Mark, and things are running very smoothly.

I've spent four days culminating a destination: Hestia Jones' house. I'm with Duke and Farrow, and they both think that I've spent the past four days going out to track Hestia Jones.

Instead, I've been helping her move out and created random traces for them to follow and believe.

Once we reach her house, we find it to be almost completely empty. They scream and begin to tear up the house in their fury, blasting apart the walls and making dents in the floor.

"I'm sorry, but the Dark Lord would not tolerate this childish behaviour. I'm afraid I'll have to kill you both. It was a pleasure working with you though, Duke. Farrow, not so much."

They don't have time to process my words before I shoot them with the Killing Curse.

Shortly after, Lucius Malfoy apparates to my location.

"What happened? Where the hell is Hestia Jones? Why are Duke and Farrow dead?" he demands, stepping closer and closer towards me.

He's positively spitting, he is.

"Hestia Jones killed Duke and Farrow in a duel, and her house became destroyed in the process. I believe that if I was duelling I would've been able to kill her myself, but alas, they did not allow me to do so. Instead, they told me to find evidence so that we can discover their next meeting. I have succeeded in doing that. Here they are," I say smoothly, handing over false notes that Hestia had placed before leaving.

Malfoy almost looks astonished as he takes them.

"Very well. I'll report this to the Dark Lord."


November 3, 1978

Today is Sirius' birthday, and I intend on seeing my boyfriend on his birthday.

"Dayne, you're coming with me," I order, jutting my head at him.

Dayne is a big, blundering giant who has an intimidatingly deep voice. He looks very ominous with that Death Eater mask of his, and it's enough to scare away a whole village.

Fortunately, I know that he isn't all that tough.


"We're catching that blood-traitor, Sirius Black," I say harshly, drawing out my wand.

Dayne doesn't seem to believe me.

"Says who?" he scoffs.

"The Dark Lord. Do you want to question him, Dayne?" I challenge, raising an eyebrow.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that Death Eaters do not want to cross You-Know-Who at any costs.

Dayne reluctantly agrees, and we apparate outside what is a replica of James and Lily's house.

I know that they're celebrating Sirius' birthday in there today, and they are indeed talking and chatting as Dayne and I burst into the room.

"WANDS DOWN! DROP THEM!" Dayne bellows, pointing his wand at all of them.

I see Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Em, Pettigrew, and a few other Gryffindors. Fear and horror cross their faces until they see my Death Eater mask.

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