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Ruby's POV

When we had finally got to our destination Levi explained that I would be living with him, since I was technically under age and wasn't permitted to live on my own.

With the false pretenses of Levi being my brother he convinced the firefighter to let him take me instead of calling social services.

"Thank you, I'm grateful Mr. Ackerman. And I'm sorry for all the trouble."

My voice could only come out as a whisper since my throat was raw from crying. Levi didn't turn around to face me, just kept walking up to the door.

"Please. Call me Levi. If we're living together I'd much rather not be called by my last name all the time."

His voice sounded hesitant, like he was afraid of me some how. He confuses me so much I don't know how to handle it.

When we walked into the small house I immediately recognized how spotless it was. And completely without color. Everything was shining black and white.

-he must be a bit of a clean freak-

That thought was an instant mistake because I felt that spike of pain again shooting throughout my skull, causing me to fall to my knees and clutching my head in my hands.

Again I got flashes of Levi in a different world. Some with him in a castle, broom in hand and standing over a beaten kid. Then some with him standing over the dead corps of those monsters from my dream, covered in blood that was instantly burning off of his face.

I screamed at the pain and clutched my head harder. I don't understand what this is, why do I keep seeing him like this.

"Ruby! Listen to me. I know it hurts but try to focus on my voice and bring your mind back to me. Breathe. And try to focus on me."

His voice was broken up but I could still understand him. I try to do ask he asked. The pain was almost unbearable but I could feel his grasp on my shoulders and brought myself back to it.

The pain disappeared along with the images of Levi. The only Levi I could see now was the one that teaches my high school science class, not kill monsters with weird machines strapped to his hips.

"I'm ok now. Thank you Levi. I kind of just want to lay down for a bit. Do you have a spare room?"

Levi ignored my question and picked me up bridal style, walking me to a door at the end of the hall.

He kicked open the door and laid me down on the large queen size bed. I could smell him clearly on the blankets and with a quick scan around the room I realized this was his room.

I sat up abruptly to protest but Levi just pushed me back down and tucked me in. Dirk ran into the room too and laid on my stomach, imoblizing me.

"Shut up, sleep here. I will sleep on the couch for tonight and we will move the things from my study tomorrow and make it your room. But today you need to sleep, you have reacted twice today. Rest for now, .... please."

Levi turned around to leave but I spoke just before he exited. Causing him to halt for a moment.

"Ok. I'll rest. But...please don't leave me"

I watched him physically shiver but he sighed anyway and grabbed a book before sitting in the chair in the corner.

I stared at him in silence as he read his book. Confused at what he was doing I opened my mouth to say something but decided to just leave it.

So I turned over on my side and watched him read.

- He's actually really handsome when I take a moment to look at him -

He looks up from his book for a split second at me and his silver blue eyes locked onto my golden brown ones. His face was a blank page but his eyes held all of what his face didn't.

I blushed and looked at a different part of the room and he started reading again, the slightest pink ran across his nose and I could tell he was trying to focus, but for some reason I don't think he wanted to focus on the book.

I finally let exhaustion take over me and let my burning eyes close as I fall asleep.


Levi's POV

I waited awhile after Ruby had fallen asleep till I got up and left the room.

As I passed the bed I couldn't help but stop to admire her peaceful, sleeping face tucked into my pillows and her small, slender frame wrapped in my blankets. I reach out my hand to move some hair from her face but stop myself before I do.

She is a high school student IN YOUR CLASS. Just because you remember a different world where she was of legal age and madly in love with you dosnt mean it's the same here.

I quickly grab my book and leave the room, moving into the kitchen and making myself a cup of tea.

I didnt even have a chance to take a sip before I heard Ruby crying for my in the next room. Without hesitation I set my things down and bolted to the room.

Ruby was sitting up on my bed gasping for air and crying into her hands. Her voice barely managed to spit out my name as she curled into herself more.

I walked to her side and pushed her wet, sweaty hair from sticking to her face and opened my arms to her with a soft, caring expression( I think).

She immediately jumped into my arms and clutched onto me for dear life, sobbing into my chest.

I waited for her to calm down before tucking her back into me bed. She gripped onto my sleeve, begging me not to leave again.

I nodded and pulled the chair right next to the bed and held out my hand. She rolled onto her side, wrapping her soft, delicate fingers around mine and laying both our hands on the bed.

It wasn't long after that she fell back asleep and didnt wake up from a nightmare again.

I knew leaving now was futile so I laid my head on the bed and closed my eyes, trying desperately to stop thinking about Ruby.

In the end I fell asleep, dreaming about her instead.


Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. I'm tired of waiting for her to update so I'm just gonna go on with this anyway. Hope you like it.

~Captain Ruby

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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