Chapter 30.

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I got in my car shutting the door. I took a fresh breath of air trying to process all of this in my head. I didn't know what to think. There was a big posibillity that McKinley was lying. However, she could also be telling the truth. There was a fifty percent chance here. 

Although I still couldn't understand this. August had stopped texting me and we had no form of communication so it left lots of room for questioning and even if McKinley was lying he needed a good ass explanation as to why he just stopped talking to me. I mean I thought we had something special here. Now I felt so stupid. 

I opened my phone going to the messages with August. I still had the kissy face emojis by his name. I scrolled all the way up to the last message he sent me and read it over and over and over. 

I had fell asleep on him.

Good night 2 you too. 

I shook my head closing the messages and sitting my phone down in my purse. I put my purse in the passenger side and put on my seat belt. I started the car and let it warm up before taking off.


I parked on the curb just starring up at the house. It took everything in me to get out the car. I felt so awkward. Here I was at his house and he hadn't even spoken to me in two whole weeks. I didn't know what to expect of him. Maybe, him ignoring me was his way of telling me he didn't want to do this anymore. I hoped that wasn't the case because then I'd look like a crazy stalker and that I was not. 

I took another deep breath and got out the car. I wrapped my coat around me because today had been a windy day and it was at least thirty degrees out here right now. I walked up the long pathway to his house. When I got to the door I stopped. I knocked and waited. 

My heart was beating so fast I thought it would pop ouot my chest. The door swung open revealing August. I didn't know what to say I had a lot to say, but seeing him took my breath away. He still looked good despite his flaws.


"Denise..." He says.

More silence.

"August." I finally say, finding my voice. "How are you?" I mentally face palm myself for asking him that question. I was suppose to be mad at him and here I was being nice. It was like I had forgot all about my anger towards him. I would've been better off sending him a hot text message.

"Look it's cold why don't you come in." August opened the door wider so I could enter.

I stayed put standing right where I was. I wasn't going in. There was no reason for me to go in. 

"I just came here to ask why you stopped talking to me. Are you and McKinley back together? Is she really pregnant with your ch-child?" I bombard him with questions.

"Denise, come inside."

"NO!" I yelled. I sighed. I didn't meant to yell. August was just aggravating me. I wanted him to answer my question and he was beating around the bush."I just want to know why and I'll leave." This time my voice was low but he still heard me. He stepped out and closed the door behind him.

"I'm not with her." Four simple words was all he said.

I still needed more information. 

"She came up to my job telling me that the two of you were together and that she was pregnant with your child; that the two of you had been back in town for a whole week now. You haven't spoken to me in two weeks and I'm just confused." My  emotions were starting to get the best of me. I couldn't help but feel this way I was in love with August and I felt like he was just abandoning me.

"Ion care what she said. We are not together. As for me not talking to you .... I was just busy." Busy? That's it? 

"Busy?" I repetted. I was obviously having trouble comprehending clearly what he meant by being busy. Like your not busy for two whole weeks.

The front door opened and out came a wobbling McKinley.  She frowned upon seeing me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here talking to August." I said highly annoyed by her presence. It wasn't any of her business why I was here. Ugh!

"Hmp. " she turned her attention to August grabbing his arm. "Baby I need you in the house."

I was more than disgusted. I couldn't even bare the sight of her and him. I was yet again heart broken. I just didn't understand I was a great girlfriend why did all my relationships have to go like this.

I walked away going back to my car I didn't even bother to look back as August screamed my name. I could feel my tears swell up in my eyes. I blinked them away the best way I could. Now was not the time for crying.

I unlocked my car getting in. It was still cold outside. I cranked my car sitting there as it warmed and the heat turned from cold air to hot. Today had been a bad day and all I wanted to do was go home and cry myself to sleep.


As I walked to my door I seen Nolan standing outside. I sighed I really didn't want to be bothered with company.

"What's wrong?" Nolan could still read me like the back of his hand and he knew when something was wrong. I wasn't even going to lie to him. He stood back as I unlocked the front door we both entered and he shut the door behind him.

I went into my bedroom and sat my purse on the bed. I slide out my heels, coat, and everything else. I changed into some sweats and a t-shirt. I headed back into the living room Where Nolan was seated and waiting for me. I sat down besides him and I couldn't help but cry. I felt so miserable. Who would've ever thought I'd be crying to my ex husband over another man?

Nolan pulled me and embraced me in a side hug. He always let me do what I need to do and he'd listen. Just like old times except now the only thing different was that I was crying to him and not about something he'd done.

Just a lil something I been working on. Funny pic in m/m

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