Chapter 31.

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I don't know how long I cried but I woke up to nothing but darkness. I sat up realizing that Nolan was no longer here. He most likely was at work because he worked the night shifts at a factory with Zeke. I sat in the darkness for a while until I could finally convince myself to get up. I felt like crap and I'm sure I looked like it. 

Once I got up I went straight to the front door making sure it was locked and then went to my room cutting on the light. I avoided the mirror that was looking back at me. I couldn't stand the sight of myself looking like this, I didn't like to cry at all. It made me feel pathetic especially crying over guys. 

I walked to my black dresser and got out my underwear and one of my night gowns. I procedded to the bathroom and sat my clothes down on the counter. I started the shower up making sure the water was hot. When the temperture was just right for me I began to remove my clothes and got in the shower.


Fresh out the shower, I  lotioned up my body with baby lotion when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't want to deal with company at the moment. I didn't bother getting up to go get it. I stayed put maybe they'd get the hint that I didn't want to answer and leave. I finished putting on lotion and put it up and climbed into bed.

The knocking was persistent and very aggravating. I got up out of  bed agitated that this person would not go away. I unlocked the locks and slammed the door open.

It was August. The last person I wanted to see right now.

Part of me wanted to keep the door open but the other side of me was over rulling. I slammed the door but he put his foot in the door.

"Get away from the damn door." I yelled.

"Denise just let me explain." I didn't care to let August plead his case. Honestly, I was tired of people messing me over. I was nothing but kind but people were starting to take my kindness for a weakness. 

I continued trying to close the door despite the fact that August had his foot in the door. It wasn't my fault if he got injured. That would be his dumb ass not mine. The hell if I care if he was hurt.

I heard August laughing. It only pissed me off even more.

I huffed loudly. "Please move your foot." 

August's face turned serious. "I just want to talk."

I was very reluctant about letting him in but me trying to slam his foot in the door wasn't really working. "Ok." I opened the door and he started to come in. I stopped him halfway. "You got two minutes."

"Denise don't play with me like dat'."

I shut the door behind August. "Did I say I was playing? Does it look like I'm laughing?" 

August looked sort of suprised. He wasn't use to me back talking him but this was my bad side and he was on it. 

"I'd appreciate if you ain't talk to me like dat'. I understand your mad but all that mouth ain't gon' fly." 

"You can leave if you don't want to hear it." I didn't want to hear his explanation my damn self. So really in all actuality he was waisting my time and his.

August turned around opening the door leaving out. I walked behind him to shut the door. He stopped and turned around and before I knew it he had kissed me. I tried pulling away but temptation ruled over me. August picked me up off the ground and shut the door with his foot. He led us to my bed room  and laid me on the bed. 

I moved away from August because I wasn't really trying to go there with him. I didn't want to have sex with him I was mad at him. But our bodies being so close together  subsided some of the anger I had for him.

August grabbed by my legs pulling me back down. I was about to kick him but I stopped myself as his head lingered between my legs. He opened them wider kissing my inner thighs. I let out a soft moan. 

He kissed my clit and then began to take my under wear off. I couldn't control the sensations I was feeling. I no longer was mad at August. Once my under wear were off August took off my night gown. He threw it and crashed his lips on mine. I pulled his body closer to mine.

I couldn't control myself. I wanted him and I wanted him really bad. However, I only wanted him for the moment. After we were done having sex he was getting up because he had to get out of here.

I found myself once again waking up but this time August was still here. So much for wanting to put him out. I got up heading to the bathroom because I had to pee but I heard a strong vibration coming from the night stand. I went over seeing it was August phone and a unknown number was calling.

I thought to wake him up. I shook him lightly and he didn't bulge so I slapped him and his eyes shot open. He glared at me for a moment.

"Really Denise?"

"Your phone is ringing." I said dryly. He picked it up and I went to the bathroom. I used it washed my hands and came back out. He was still on the phone.

"McKenize I can't....  what?.... your lying right.....I'm on my way."

I silently laughed to myself. August got up putting on his clothes. I got back in bed already closing my eyes to go back to sleep.

August gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left out. I waited until I was sure he was gone to text him.

Don't come back. - 11:10

And I meant it. I couldn't and I wouldn't be put second to anyone. So if McKenzie was really having his child this relationship would be over.

Do y'all think Denise is  being to hard on Aug?

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