Chapter 2

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Of course! How else would the mustang find me no matter where I was? But why?It doesn't matter!

I grab the device off Nathan's palm and throw it into the nearby bushes, with all my strength. Let it chase me into mud.

"What have you done?" Nathan asks startled.

"Just got rid of a problem" I smile with obvious relief.

"Who's been tracking you?" His face painted in confusion.

"I don't want to talk about it" I unlock my car and open the door.

He places his hand on the door and keeps still, not letting me in.

"Be careful" he gazes down at me, his grey-blue eyes staring deep into mine.

"I will, thank you" I promise and he removes his hand, letting me clamber into the car.

He says something before I shut the door, but I can't make it out.

I drive peacefully back to my apartment, that is in an 8 storey-building of red brick. I smile, grateful that my nightmare is over.

The corridor is completely dark, I search for the light switch. Blinded by the darkness, I sense it under my fingers and turn it on. The golden light fills the room, bringing it to life. No sign of mother. I didn't have to go to that cafe after all, but if I didn't. Nathan wouldn't find the tracker and it would still be sticked under my car. I smile at the thought of Nath. But my face turns grim as I hear soft sounds of footsteps in the living room. My heart is stuck in my throat, I look around for anything possible that I could defend myself with. I grab my dads metallic bat and hold it with my both hands as firmly as I can. I walk towards the living room in slow, accurate steps to make no noise but the parquet floor makes it impossible with squeaking sounds it emits every step.

Slim short figure appears from the darkness, walking towards me screaming. The sound makes me scream as well and I rise my bat to knock it down. But stop when it walks into the light and recognition hits me. My mother is raising her hands defensively. She's breathing rapidly with loud noises, the look on her pale face is aghast.

"Mom" I gape at her and lower the bat. "What are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for you" she explains breathlessly.

"In the dark?"

"I, I" she lowers her eyes " I fell asleep"

"You've been drinking again" I murmur disappointedly.

I head to my bedroom, leaving my mom in the living room. I take off my jacket, tossing it on the bed and my gaze falls on a white piece of paper visible from my jackets pocket. I take it out and smile when read it. Nathan's number is written on it in hand with saying "call me, Nath."

I save his number on my phone and leave the paper on my bedside table. I so want to call him but if I call him now, what would he think of me? I should wait a little.

I change into my grey pjs and collapse into the bed. Until this moments I haven't suspected how really exhausted I was. My bones ache and my head feels drowned in my pillow. Tomorrow will be a new day, new beginning without the mustang. I should not forget to register to a new racing competition my best friend Loren told me about, it's winning price is $50k. With the mustang about my ass, I had no time to think of real street races and I have skipped so many competitions, I lost my count. And I got almost no money left, I need to race to earn.

Race to earn. The words echo in my head as I fall into a deep sleep.

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