Chapter 4

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I sit paralyzed, unable to take my eyes off the mustang. His windows are all rolled up, and I can't make out who's sitting inside because they are as dark as coal. All I see in them is my reflection. I swallow a knot in my throat with a great difficulty and my anxiety makes me suffocate. But I gather my courage and roll up the windows of my own car, and look at the road in front.

He wants to compete me? Let him try and I'll win him, just like I did with the previous 8. I hold on to my handbreak and press the gas pedal, my spyder emits a loud cry of engine -a sign of me willing to start-, which grants me confidence. The mustang roars in response and makes my forehead sweat a little. I start to feel light-headed. Loren takes her position between us, her smile settles easiness in me.

The gun shots and the mustang drives off it's spot and I follow. We race following the route, my car accelerates to the maximum speed but the mustang drives further and further away. It disappears from my sight on the high way, and I throw brisk glances in every mirror of my car. I'm alone on the road with few of cars. I grow anxious with each passing minute. What if it's his plan, to disappear again?

The finish line is few minutes away, I keep my speed steady and hold the steering wheel with both hands. I turn left, behind a one storey house and the mustang appears out of nowhere. It flies above me from the house and I rotate the steering wheel with all the force in me, in daze, away from the mustang. The tires of my car squeal against the asphalt road, the noise makes hair on the back of my neck stand.

Nathan. His face flashes before my eyes. His beautiful grey-blue eyes like crystals, blazing in the dark.

Before I can think of anything else, I drive into the brick house. Having no time to consider or to use the breaks, my car crashes with a sound of breaking glass and the crinkling of metal. I'm thrown forward. I hit my head on the wheel, losing my consciousness everything turns black. And my mind recalls the most unwelcome image; of the mustangs tinted windows and my reflection painted on them.

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