Chapter 3

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Over four hundred of cars gathered on Longhton square for tonight's event. But only 10 of them will participate in the race and I'm one. The rest are fans, judges, and friends to those who participate. My own friend, Loren arrived on her yellow Mini Cooper and parked it next to mine. She never participates in such rivals and I honestly understand her, the risk is great. But it's what I like and it earns me money for living.

"The rivalry starts in 15 minutes" Loren utters excitedly, her voice soft and low. "You're so going to win this" she grins nodding and clapping her hands.

"Thanks for being here" I smile.

Loren has always supported me, and has missed no race where I was involved. She's my number one fan -a beautiful fan. She has strawberry blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. She's also a very stylish person, tonight she's dressed in an oversized pink sweater, black tights and black booties.

I dressed simpler; long black leather leggings, black Tshirt with a leather jacket and boots. Without heels, because it's difficult to drive with them on. And as usual I combed my hair into a ponytail. Comfort comes first.

"Helen?" Loren frowns and looks somewhere behind me. I follow her gaze and spin around to find Nathan standing in front of me.

In spite of the cold weather, he's dressed in a white t-shirt, blue jeans and black boots. Doesn't he feel cold? His biceps tell me no.

"What are you doing here?" I wonder

"I came to support my brother, he'll race tonight" he narrows his eyes, which makes me utterly uncomfortable. "What about you? Who did you come here for?"

"My friend Loren" I smile slyly pointing with my hand at Loren.

She looks at me with her eyes wide in daze and her mouth dropped open. She quickly adapts to the situation and smiles at Nath in approval. He looks in confusion at both of us but says nothing.

I tighten my hold of the steering wheel, and bite my lip in anticipation. I check my watch, it shows 6 sharp. At this time I would be competing the mustang but it's over now. My mouth drops open in astonishment when Loren appears between me and my competitor as a Starter. She holds a revolver in her right hand for signaling and sends me a wink. I grin at her and take a last glance of my competitor.

In an orange Lamborghini, with illegally tinted windows and the two front rolled down -just like mine-, sits Derek. Only his shoulders and head are visible from the window. He's wearing a white top and a white baseball cap. No hair is seen from under his cap and he's ears are pierced with large diamonds, glimmering like stars. Obviously sensing my gaze he spins his head briskly smirking at me. He sends me a nasty kiss and I look away.

"Ready?" Loren shouts and raises her revolver up in the air. "Set!" The wind blows against her loosen hair and she shouts "Go!" As she pulls the trigger, sending a bullet flying in the air.

At the same time I hit the gas and my spyder sets on the way roaring, sending a pleasurable shiver down my spine. The Lamborghini follows and catches up with me, I press harder on the pedal and break into a highway where few of cars are driving 3 times slower than me. I pass them all as fast as a brisk wind and aim for the 10th street following the route.

The road begins to crowd as I drive closer to 10th street. I slow down a little and honk at the cars ahead. They drive apart giving me a path and I accelerate again. Lamborghini is nowhere in sight. I still follow my route.

I finally arrive to the finish line, where Loren awaits, with the pack of cars from Longhton square.The crowd gathers around me and my silver baby, cheering and shouting out my name. Then there's another noise, but of engine this time. I look around and find Lamborghini arriving at the finish.

Helen embraces me, and kisses me on my cheek.

"I knew that you would win him, leather" she says smilingly

"Leather?" I look at her puzzled

"You always wear leather, what else do I call you?" She taps my shoulder leaving me speechless "you have 8 more to beat" she reminded

That is the rule, there will only be one winner. All 10 competitors will race each other until there's only one left. God please, let it be me.

By 10 o'clock I defeated all 7 -that were after the Lamborghini- The Audi, Lexus, Porsche, Chevrolet etc. In many colors, blue, red, yellow, purple.

I haven't seen Nathan since I left for the rival. Did he suspect that I lied? What if so? Why did I lie? God only knows the answer to my questions. I should not think of Nathan now. Relax Helen, you have his number, you'll find him later.

A car stops by my side as I sit in my porsche, and I look to examine my last foe. My eyes turn wide in horror. The black mustang.

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