Take Off

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Summer is supposed to be the best time of the year right? When your parents tell you that you are going to spend the summer in Australia you would think that you would be incredibly happy about it. Yeah, not me. The last thing I wanted to do was spend the summer away from my best friend. The only positive thing is that I will be away from him...

My heart is racing. I can feel the sweat pouring out of my pores but I can't wake myself up from the nightmare that I relive every single night. I finally pull myself out and wake up trying to catch my breath. I have to remind myself to breathe. I look at the clock and see that I have two hours before we leave for the airport. I refuse to go back to sleep so I get up and pack the rest of my things for London. As I'm grabbing the last of my toiletries I hear what sounds like footsteps approaching my door. I grab the knife I keep hidden from under my bathroom sink. The first thing that comes to my mind is that he's back. It's him. My door starts to open slowly. "Hi honey!" Of course. It was just my mom coming to wake me up. I quickly put the knife back in it's hiding place and head downstairs for breakfast.

The first word I think of when I walk into an airport is nostalgia. It is a feeling that can't be put into words easily. Constant chaos. People coming and going. We check our bags and head through security. I spy a Starbucks up ahead.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Here, let me get that for you."
I look up at this guy who just about ran me over and just as I'm about to get mad I notice that he has the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen. (Not to mention the accent...)
"Oh uh uhm no I got it, thank you."
I start walking faster only to realize that he is following. I convince myself that I'm being paranoid and just go ahead and board the plane. When I sit down I realize that my parents' seats are at the back of the plane. Great, I think to myself. Just as I think I'm lucky enough to have an entire row of seats to myself, the mysterious green-eyed boy sits down next to me.
"Long time no see." he says with a smirk.
I can't help but feel my stomach turn at the combination of those eyes & smirk at the same time.
"Uhh, yeah.. and your name is?" I ask with wide eyes.
"Ashton, but you can call me Ash. What's yours?" he says with that damn smirk again. "Callie."

"So, what brings you to my home country?" 

"My parents wanted to vacation here for the summer but I don't plan on spending my summer anywhere near them."
"Oh, well you're welcome to hang out with me whenever. I have my own place in Sydney."
Did the most beautiful boy I have ever seen just tell me that I am welcome to stay at his house whenever I want?
"Uh-uhm-uh y-y-ya sure."

**17 hours later**
"Attention all: We are starting to descend into Sydney now. Please fasten your seat belts and secure all belongings." I wake up to the captain's voice and realize that Ashton is asleep... on my shoulder.

"Ash. Ash wake up. We're here."

"Oh wow I'm sorry I fell asleep on you. I'm embarrassed."

"Don't sweat it."

I really didn't mind Ash falling asleep on me at all. It didn't bother me. It must be my big heart. The same big heart that is pretty damn good at letting itself get hurt. 

Everyone gets off of the plane and heads to baggage claim. I notice that Ashton has a group of 3 guys waiting for him. When they saw him it was like they were 6 year olds on Christmas morning. It was actually quite adorable to be honest. Just as I go to grab my bag a hand reaches out and grabs it. It's Ash. 

"Oh, thank you."

"Yeah, no problem. Hey do you think I could get your phone number?" he said shyly. 

I hesitated to give it to him but then (probably against my better judgement) I gave it to him. 

"Yeah, uhm sure. It's 555-5555."

"Cool! Thanks i'll hit you up once I get settled in with the guys."

"Okay, see ya."

What is happening. I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for anyone again. Not after what happened last time. I can't trust another guy. It feels impossible. There's just something about Ash that makes me want to forget about all those promises that I made to myself and dive in head first. But, something stops me. He always stops me. 

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