Into the Woods

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You know how they say that as soon as your life is going great and you start to feel okay again, that everything starts to spiral? Well, whoever "they" is is right. 


        I was sitting outside on my porch watching the waves kiss the sand with each roll. I was doing what I do way too much of: thinking. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about Ashton. He keeps appearing in my dreams. But, I keep having the same dream over and over again. Ash and I are always on the beach running through the waves when all of a sudden a stranger appears and grabs me. Ashton is always restrained in some way and unable to rescue me from this stranger's arms. And then, once I am able to face the stranger I realize he is no stranger at all. It's him. It's Mason. I always wake up before I find out what happens. I need to tell Ash about Mason. I really need to tell him. But, I just can't. I can't lose Ashton. 


"Callieeee!" I

hear my mom calling me from downstairs. She always interrupts me write as I'm doing my eyeliner and that leads to a poke in the eye. 

"Ashton's here!"

A smile instantly spreads across my face as I jump into my jeans and throw on an old band tee. I check my appearence like 5 more times before I realize that Ashton has seen me fresh out of the bed that one day when he unexpectedly popped in. Suddenly I'm not so self-conscious anymore. 

"Hey sweetheart!" says Ash as a huge smile spreads across his face.

That is one thing that I never get tired of hearing. 

"Hi babe." I say with a kiss on the cheek. 

"I have a surprise planned for us today."

"Aaaaaash. Tell me where we're going!" I said with a tug on his arm. 

He won't budge. As we're walking out to his car I just watch him walk. It's like with each step he takes, I fall more in love. I'm clearly in way too deep. He turns around and says my name to pull me out of the trance he put me in. 

"Cal! Get in!"

He always opens the door for me. It's the little things.  

 As we're driving down the road he puts a song on. I immediately know what is. Anthem Part Two by Blink 182. 

"I love this song!" I said while turning it up. 

After about an hour Ashton told me to close my eyes until he says to open. He lead me out of the car and up what felt like a dirt driveway. Wherever we are, it sure is a hell of a lot colder. 

"Okay, open!"

When I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful log cabin covered with a thin layer of snow. How did he know that this is something I have always wanted to do? 

"Not to sound like a creep, but I kinda looked through your old tweets and saw that you've always wanted to stay at a log cabin in the mountains. So, I decided I would be the one to give that to you."

I jumped into his arms and kissed him harder than ever. But, something just didn't feel right all of a sudden. I decided that nothing was going to ruin this trip and to just brush it off. 

Ashton lead me up the front porch steps and as I waited for him to unlock the front door, that uneasy feeling rushed over me again. I had to keep telling myself that it's all in my head and that I just had to remember that I'm safe here with Ash. Or so I thought. 

Ash and I decided to make a fire and cook hotdogs for dinner and then make s'mores later. I was watching Ash make the fire and realized that I left my phone in the car.

"Hey lovely I think I left my phone in the car. I'm gonna go around front and get it."

"Okay babe. Be careful."

I started to wonder around front and noticed a car drive by. Once I got to the front, the car drove by again. "I'm just being paranoid." I thought to myself. It can't be the same car. But it was. I reached inside the car to grab my phone and suddenly I saw headlights coming up the drive. "What the hell?" The car turned off its headlights and stopped. I saw the door open and someone was starting to get out. No, no it can't be. It's not. How did he find me? I see those familiar piercing blue eyes staring me down and immediately know who it is. Mason. The screams start to pour out without warning. He starts walking towards me.

"Asshhhhhton! Ash! Ash help!" 

As soon as I started screaming he ran back to the car and backed down the driveway before Ashton could see him.

I felt someone shaking me and with the image of those piercing blue eyes still in my mind, I thought it was Mason. I was kicking and fighting so hard and then I heard,

"Callie! Callie! Sweetheart, it's okay! Breathe Cal!"

I finally realized it was Ash.

"What happened? What's wrong? Callie you have to talk to me. No more hiding, no more running. Let me in. Let me help you."

I couldn't speak. I just sobbed into his chest. Little did he know, he was asking me to do the impossible. 

But, deep down I knew it was time. Time to share my secret for the first time ever. 

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