Beach trip

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The next morning it was Thursday Ashley surprised a weekend get away with Lindsay in Ocean City. Baby? Ashley said kissing Lindsay's cheek. Good morning baby girl Lindsay said yawning. Guess what I just booked us until Monday? Ashley asked. A trip to Ocean City? Lindsay guessed. Yes baby. Lindsay jumped out of bed and smothered Ashley with kisses. This is why I'm marrying you baby you always know how to make me happy Lindsay said. Lindsay spent only a half an hour packing her bag and she was ready to go. Ready my love? Lindsay asked. Yes let's go Ashley said. After two and a half hours Lindsay and Ashley got to the Grand Hotel on 28th Street. They checked in and unpacked there stuff and plugged there chargers in the outlets. Lindsay lays on the bed and shouts, PARADISE HERE WE COME!!! Lindsay and Ashley take about a two hour nap and they wake up and walk on the boardwalk and get some food. After they got some food Lindsay and Ashley walk on the boardwalk some more and get matching henna tattoos. The next day was water park day and Lindsay and Ashley went to the water park and stayed there the whole day. The next couple of days were cool and interesting.... Lindsay got a guys number from Hooters it was awkward and Lindsay went to her first drag show which was cool. When Lindsay and Ashley came home they relaxed. Hey babe? Ashley asked. Yes honey? Lindsay asked. Why did you get a new mattress? Well you know I got my period and blood stains were all over it that's why me and you invested in the mattress. Oh silly me Ashley said kissing Lindsay's cheek. Lindsay went over to Julia's house to see her. Hey Julia Lindsay said giving Julia a hug. Heyy so I got some tea to spill about Justin. Julia said. Oh shit what did he do now? Lindsay rolled her eyes. Well remember Nicole from 6th grade, she had braces and she threw up on my shoes at the dance? Julia asked. Yes I do, I graduated with her and me and her were close freshmen year of high school and then sophomore year she dated Andrew and I almost fought his ass for hurting Nicole I had to go to Centennial for a month got four weekends for the scared straight program omg I do not want to relive that Lindsay said. Well is she still dating Andrew? Julia asked. No thank god Lindsay said with relief. Well I talked to Nicole recently and well she's pregnant with Justin. Julia said. I'M GOING TO GIVE HIM A PIECE OF MY MIND!!!! Lindsay screamed.  Lindsay remember what the officer told you and you filed a restraining order on him when Caroline was two months old Julia said. Well you know what I still talk to his mom and I'm meeting her for lunch Tomorrow Lindsay said I'll ask her then.

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