Deep Creek Happiness

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Next Friday came and it was finally the best time of the year, deep creek vacation with Matt's family. Ready to go baby girl? Ashley asked as she rushed into Lindsays bedroom. Ready than ever baby Lindsay said running to Ashley's arms. I'm so glad Matt invited us to this vacation babe well now that he's officially the father of my baby girl he's been treating me like a princess lately Lindsay says. Ashley puts Caroline in the car while Lindsay goes into Matt's car. Wow Matt I can't believe we're going on vacation finally, Lindsay says. Well I want show Caroline deep creek and also want to thank you for telling me that I'd be adopting your little girl, you've shown me so much more since we first met sophomore year and you were the best friend I could ever ask for, your beautiful, a good mother, and the best girl I could ever ask for I'm so happy we're friends Lindsay Matt says. Awww Matt you've changed my life for the better to Lindsay says hugging Matt. Matt drives to Deep Creek to see the cabin. Wow Matt this cabin is amazing Lindsay says. Holy shit Matt this place is awesome Ashley says hugging Lindsay from behind. Lindsay and Ashley unpack and relax, Hey Lindsay my moms here!! Matt says. Lindsay goes down stairs and greets Matt's mom and other family members. Hi honey congrats on the baby by the way and thank you for choosing Matt to adopt Caroline Ms. Young says. You're very welcome Ms. Young Lindsay says giving Ms. Young a quick hug. Lindsay goes up stairs and takes a shower. Hey Lindsay, are you ok? You've been acting weird lately Ashley asks. Ashley I think Matt wants to get back together with me but I don't know how to say that I'll be marrying you in a couple of months, it's confusing plus Matt and I made a promise that if we broke up we'd only be just friends and he'll move in but I don't know Lindsay shrugs. Well babe I think he knows Ashley says. I told him that we were going to be married and he understands babe ok? Ashley says. Lindsay goes and puts Caroline to bed. Good night pumpkin, tomorrow me you and daddy are going to take you shopping for school clothes ok? Yay mommy I love you Caroline says. I love you more princess Lindsay says shutting the door gently. Well I'm off to bed baby Ashley says. I'll be in there in a little bit honey, Lindsay says. Lindsay goes down stairs and sees Matt. Hey you Matt says, is Caroline in bed? Matt asks. Yes she is Matt. So, Lindsay, I can't wait to see Caroline tomorrow and take her shopping you really blessed me with a beautiful little girl Lindsay I'm so happy for us Matt says. Lindsay hugs Matt and kisses his cheek. Lindsay goes up to her room and cuddles with Ashley. The next day Lindsay and Matt goes shopping with Caroline and buy Caroline some school clothes. Hey babe, when does Caroline starts preschool? Matt asks Lindsay. She starts preschool September 4th and I start my new job September 2nd Lindsay says. Oh cool I forgot you'll be working with my mom Matt says. Yeah I'm excited to be working with your mom we've been getting a long lately and she's been doing a lot for Caroline lately. Mommy, Daddy can I ask you a question? Caroline asks in her cutest voice. Yes pumpkin ask away Lindsay says. When are you and daddy getting married? Honey, you know I'm marrying mommy right? Lindsay asks. Yes I know I'm not mad I'm just confused. Lindsay goes up to her room and slams the door. What's the matter baby? Ashley asks Lindsay rubbing her back. Caroline just asked me and Matt if we were getting married and I had to say no and I don't know baby. Aw honey well maybe when shes old enough she'll understand she's just to little honey it's ok Ashley says. Lindsay wipes her tears away and goes to sleep in Ashley's arms. The next day Lindsay and Ashley packed everything up and put it in Ashley's car. Bye baby I'll see you soon Lindsay says in Matt's car. Hey Matt do you want to go to breakfast? Lindsay asks. Sure Linds and I'll pay for you you've seemed stressed lately Linds. Lindsay and Matt get a booth and order some chocolate chip pancakes. So Lindsay are you excited to work with my mom? Matt asks. Yes I am I was originally going to work at the middle school but then your mom helped me out a lot and got me the job with her so it can be flexible with my schedule. What's Ashley doing for a job? She's going to stay at home she worked in retail for four years at Hollister and then she quit on her 19th birthday, she says that having a job is way to stressful I mean she could work in the school system tbh but she had very bad anxiety in the past and I don't know Lindsay says. Hey Matt, can I tell you something? Lindsay says. Sure go ahead Matt says. I still have feelings for you this past weekend you've shown me nothing but love and you've been kissing me a lot lately which I'm fine with but you know Ashley and I are getting married right? Lindsay sighs. Yes I know you and Ashley are getting married and I have feelings for you to but I just want us to be friends ok I don't want anything to happen to us your my baby girl my best friend Matt says hugging Lindsay.

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