Telling Sacha

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A/N suggested by xFlacDoftyJohnlockx

"You staying for breakfast Fletch?" asked Sacha
Fletch pulled a pained expression as he directed his answer towards the woman who still had her arms round her best friend
"I should really get back. Need to make sure Gemma has survived a night with the rabble. Sorry"
"It's fine. Go rescue her" Jac smiled. She would've liked nothing more than to share breakfast with the man she had just declared her love for but this is what she'd signed up for. Adrian Fletcher - father of four.
She walked him to the front door
"Well this doesn't feel weird at all" Fletch joked as she kissed him briefly and said goodbye.
"Hmm. I think we'll manage. Call me later?"
He nodded "speak to you later Naylor"
Walking back into the kitchen Jac steeled herself for the inevitable inquisition she was about to receive from Sacha
She sat down whilst he busied himself making
eggs for breakfast
"So?" He said placing a mug of tea and plate of poached eggs on toast in front of her
"So?" She asked innocently, sipping her tea
"Jac" he warned
"Ok ok. What do you want to know?"
"When, how. Who made the first move. Everything"
Jac raised an eyebrow "well I might not tell you Everything."
Sacha chuckled "ok. Just give me the PG version"
"Right, and this goes no further for now Levy"
"Scouts honour"
"Ok. Over the past, god more than a year? Before the shooting anyway, Fletch and I have been getting close. Even more so when I was ill and I suppose I can admit now that there were 'moments'. Just didn't want to see it I suppose"
"Jac - the guy in a coma on the 10th floor could see that you two should be together"
"Alright" Jac huffed "I'm the queen of denial and you know more than most how messed up I am. Anyway at Halloween..."
"Halloween?!" Sacha exclaimed
Jac rolled her eyes "look do you want me to tell the tale or not?"
"Sorry yes"
"As I was saying at Halloween things sort of came to a head. He asked me out- I said no. He made me talk to him and then I kissed him.."
"Ki..." Sacha was cut off by Jac's glare
"Immediately after I told him he wasn't good enough for me"
Sacha pulled a sympathetic face
"I know" she agreed "classic Naylor right? I did apologise and tell him if I was going to be with someone I would want it to be him but I didn't want to ruin the friendship and couldn't let the kids get attached only for me to screw it up"
"But..." Sacha ventured
"But those feelings never went away. Fletch kind of started to remove himself from the ward. Sometimes it was just plain awkward. Anyway fast forward to  New Year" Jac paused "actually Sacha this is pretty much your fault. Making me go to that New Years Eve do at Albies"
"So that's where you disappeared to"
"We met outside at midnight. I don't think either of us were very keen on seeing the other kissing someone else at midnight. I was very drunk if you remember - open bar"
"Oh yeah matching Serena Campbell glass for glass was pretty foolish" he rubbed his head at the memory
"Anyway when we were talking about not being together, Fletch said that in a parallel universe we would be rocking what we have. That night felt like we'd discovered that universe. Felt like we'd found a way we could be together without the added complications"
"Friends with benefits?" Asked Sacha
Jac cringed "friends with benefits" she agreed

Rocking what we have? (Sequel to this can't be it)Where stories live. Discover now