🔪 Fifteen 🔪

621 32 36

"Bite my glass

Set myself on fire"


[ A  d a y  l a t e r ] (basically after Sam is back from being suspended)
Today was day two of being Jake's friend. And, the day sam came back from being suspended.

I was kind of scared, to be honest. I had kind of forgotten about him the day before yesterday when I became friends with jake.

I knew Sam wouldn't be happy knowing I made a friend other than him.

I got dressed, and I got a text from both jake and Sam, since I gave jake my number.

I decided to check Sam's message first because it was important, and If I didn't he would flip.

Sam💕: good morning. Can't wait to see you at school.

Yes, I put a heart next to his name, so what?

Me: can't wait to see you too!

I was nervous. What if he killed jake or something, i'd be all my fault for letting jake be my friend and It would be rude if I just told him we couldn't be friends anymore because of my psycho friend.

I then checked Jake's message.

Jake: hey Colby. I'm heading to school early this morning.

Me: okay, I'll be there in a few

Jake: K.

I turned off my phone and got dressed. I headed downstairs and just grabbed an apple for me to snack on while I walked to school. I needed to explain everything to jake before Sam arrived so he isn't surprised.

I ate all my Apple and threw it into a trash can once I made it to school. I saw jake waiting for me by my locker and rushed over to him quickly.

"Oh hey sam" he said and smiled.

"Hey. Okay, so there's going to be this blonde kid, blue eyes, short, and dead looking, trust me he's not dead, and he's going to look for me. And that's okay, just know, if he seems like he hates you, or if he threatens you, don't be scared. He's just possessive over me. His name is Sam Golbach" I explained quickly, and glanced at the door so I could see if Sam was coming or not.

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