Jamal Turner X Reader

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Your pov:
My boyfriend Jamal and I always liked spending time together, even before we started dating,whether it was a movie or just cuddling in bed. The others in our friend group like to tease us a lot. I like to think they are just jealous.

Anyways, my boyfriend is coming over right now since my parents are at work and it's the perfect time to watch our favorite show together. While I was setting up the living room with all of our favorite snacks I get a text from Jamal.

Babyyy💕💕: I might be a little later than usual..
Me: oh...Okay that's.. That's fine. See you when you get here then..
Babyyy💕💕: I'll be there i promise

I just left him on opened and I went to my bedroom to get me pajamas on

After I get my pajamas on i pull my hair into a ponytail(if your hair isn't long enough for that then you can leaving it down) then going to my bathroom and wipe off my makeup(again if you dont wear makeup then you don't have to do this)

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After I get my pajamas on i pull my hair into a ponytail(if your hair isn't long enough for that then you can leaving it down) then going to my bathroom and wipe off my makeup(again if you dont wear makeup then you don't have to do this). After that I walk into the living room and see that Jamal is here.

"Hey babe" He says to me looking a little nervous "hi baby, you okay? You look nervous" I respond back. He quickly says"I'm fine" I give him a suspicious look but then say "we should put on the show"

After our show is over and we have to wait until August for the final season to come out we begin walking into my room and we make out for a few minutes before he breaks the kiss and says" I have to ask you something" "What is it?" I ask a little scared

He then pulled out this gorgeous looking ring. "Y/n, you make me so happy and I know we are a little young , But I would like to know if you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I get so happy I jump up and down screaming "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!"

 "Y/n, you make me so happy and I know we are a little young , But I would like to know if you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I get so happy I jump up and down screaming "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!"

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Authors note:This is a kind of short but sweet one hope you enjoyed 🤗

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