Forgiven Son

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There was once a boy named Zeref. He is an irresponsible person who loves to mess things up. He always bully and make fun of his classmates. And the worst, he didn’t even know who God was.

One time, while he was walking on a street, he kicked a rock on his way. He’s not even bothered if someone will get hurt. “Ouch!”He heard a voice coming from somewhere. As he looks around, he saw a lovely girl. “Hey! Are you just going to stare and look at me? Are you not going to say a sorry?” He was in shock. Worst, he doesn’t even know what to say. His heart beat fast as the girl approaches him. “Are you alright?” She put her hand on his pale cheek. Without knowing what to do, he ran fast.

As soon as he got home, he said to himself, “Who is she? Why does my heart beat that fast when I saw her?” He place his right hand above his chest.

One Monday morning, Zeref slept on his chair as usual. His teacher entered the room and said, “Good morning Class, I would like you to know that you are going to have a new classmate. Ms. Scarlet, please introduce yourself”.

“Hello, I’m a transferee here. I am Erza Scarlet. I hope we will go nice with each other”, said the girl.

“Okay, you can take your seat now”, the teacher said. Erza sat beside where Zeref who was still asleep. She poked him as she tries to wake him up.

Zeref woke up irritated. “Who the hell are y--? Zeref stopped. The girl sitting beside him was the girl he accidentally met yesterday! What a coincidence! The girl asked “Why are you sleeping here?”.

“No, I’m not! I’m just putting my head down”, he defensively said. The girl just smiled and looks in front.

Zeref and Erza became friends. And after several months, they become a couple. Erza taught Zeref to become responsible in his life. He always say to her, “Thank you for giving me a chance to love you. You’re the one who brought change to my life”. And Erza would just say, “I am not the one who changed you, you’re the one who changed yourself with God’s help”. Zeref smiled as he intertwined their hands together.

One day, while they happily rode on a motorcycle, they have not noticed a truck approaching them. The two was being thrown as the truck hit the motorcycle.

Zeref got only arm wounds but the worst is that Erza is in critical condition.

“Doc, what’s going on now? Where’s Erza? Where is my girlfriend?!”

The doctor said, “We can’t assure you that we make her well, but we will be doing our very best to cure her”. Zeref hopelessly cried.  His feet brought him to the chapel.

He kneeled down in front of the altar and said, “I never know who you are though Erza talks a lot about you. I never pray to you, but here I am, I wish you can hear me. I know I do not deserve to ask for mercy because I am a sinful person. She told me to trust on you. I’m begging to you”, his tears fell into his cheeks. “Erza is in critical condition, she needs you. I know you love her as much as I love her. I do believe that nothing would be impossible with you, that’s the only thing I can do—to trust and believe in You.” He never knows how long he cried there. He unconsciously fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, he realized he in a very beautiful place and when he looked around, he saw a man in white—shining. He can’t see the face of the man. He hear the man said, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you”. (Jer.29:12). “For I know the plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. (Jer.29:11).

When the moment he woke up, he received a good news coming from the doctor. Erza is now in recovery. He was absolutely become happy. He had proven to himself that God truly exist. His answered prayer is the reason why he promised to trust and believe him fully.

“How sinful you are, just confess and repent to the Lord”.

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