~The Dragon Bond Intro~

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'Ello! Welcome to: The Dragon Bond ! One day I was procrastinating doing my homework so I tried to take a nap on the couch. Just as I was about to fall asleep an idea popped into my head. A couple days later I decided to type it out as an idea for another book without the intention to post it. My creativity clearly had other plans for me. As I typed, characters and plots flooded my head and I could barely type them as idea after idea came swiftly only to be added upon by another. So here I am writing this book and hoping to string my jumbled creativity together. I hope people enjoy reading this book as much as I do writing it.

Before we get started two things:

1. DO NOT steal any of my ideas or I WILL hunt you down

2. Do not leave any hate comments, if you don't like what I write don't read it; it's that simple. I am however all game for constructive criticism.

With that said here is our little pilot...


The fall of the U.S. government left the world in complete chaos and soon after governments around the world, slowly but surely, collapsed as well. During this time period, called 'The Suffering', humanity struggled in a mess of madness and drowned in the consequences of their actions. Marking the end of this time, a portal emerged.

This portal was an opening to another world that was present on Earth, but due to a special frequency and speed, our worlds never collided. Many years ago there was only our world; there was no separation between fantasy and reality, only life. Due to human nature and its severe consequences; all fantasy was forced to create a way to jump to this other world, they called it, Desmond. After all fantasy was extracted from reality, the only remnants of it was the memory of humans. As the memories got passed down generation to generation they became stories. From stories they became tales, that only a few believed in, and eventually became myths and legends.

As the U.S government fell, the disorder, pollution, and extreme change that took place caused our world to tremble. Unbeknown to us, our world's tremors affected Desmond making it terribly unstable. On Desmond the closest thing they had to a government was the 'Sistem.' It is the only thing fantasy had similar to a ruling power. At the top was the seven dragons. Each protected and nourished the land they were in charge of but didn't rule over it like a king would and had very strong views upon equality and respect.

In the 'Sistem' there were no problems that humanity underwent, such as war, hunger, racism, sexism, or any type of discrimination or disagreement. The dragons formed a strong bond to the land overtime, as the very minerals on Desmond could be found in their blood. When Desmond became unstable the dragons held a council and came to the decision that the safest option, for everyone, would be to travel back to their original home.

The dragons were very protective of their people and were planning to leave with them. However, the bond the dragons had with the land would be quite a problem. In order to stay in our world they would need a strong bond to act as an anchor. Since the elves were known for their creativity and knowledge, the dragons tasked them with finding a way for them to travel back.

After 300 decades of studying and working, the elves found and created a way for all the creatures of Desmond to return home. Since they had done it before finding a way to get back was rather easy, however, the problem lied in figuring out how the dragons could return. The only elf to find a solution was Elfrid Anestine.

Each of the seven dragons would travel to our world and bond with a human. In order to bond they would have to exchange 1/2 of their soul with 1/2 of the human's soul. This process is irreversible and how it would affect one's physical appearance was unknown. The only thing Elfrid was sure of, about the physical appearance, was that the dragon would become the same age as their human and that their human's aging would also be affected.

Choosing and bonding with a human would need to be done quickly due to the small time frame they had; luckily the dragons were known for their superpower like attributes, one of them being speed. The whole ordeal didn't sound too bad, but there was one huge danger. If a dragon failed to bond with a human they would be pulled back to Desmond by the land-bond. After the jump Desmond will collapse due to the connections between it and fantasy being abruptly sliced. Being pulled back to Desmond would result in the dragons experiencing a slow and painful death as the world collapsed with them inside.

After much preparation, the day came when the inhabitants of Desmond made the jump to our world. This day also just happened to land on, 7/7/777, my seventh birthday. My memory of that day is one I will never forget because so many things changed.

I was always a weird child; while others would play board games and talk, I would plan strategies and try out experiments, charting down my peers' behaviors. While other children socialized I played out fantasies in my head and imagined multiple worlds of my own where I could escape to. I would end up deep in thought for hours and my parents were always worried something was wrong with me, but I didn't care. My parents would often tell me that I could have goals and dreams, but to make sure they were realistic. However my dreams didn't line up with reality and, despite their attempts at hiding it, I could tell my parents were disappointed in me. Sharing the same viewpoint with my parents many kids at school told me to 'get a reality check.' It seemed that people couldn't fathom that I could be so logical and educationally advanced and yet still crave fantasy something they viewed as a childish want that needed to be grown out of.

Little did my parents know that the more they pushed me to be realistic and face reality the further I delved into my worlds. Every night I would dream of what adventures I wished I could experience full of fantasy, romance, action, and humor. I dreamed of what I could have if only reality wasn't in the way. The yearning I felt was so strong I was often overwhelmed to the point that tears streamed down my cheek as sleep overpowered me. Then one day after seven boring years of wanting, I got my wishes answered.

That day my adventure, I always wanted, began. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to leave feedback.

~ZV outsies!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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