Chapter Three

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finding yourself is a mixture

of family

old friends

and new

those who know you best

and those who know your worst



Subject: How are you?

Hey Hazel,

What's up? Haven't heard from you much lately. How are you going? You've got to come visit soon.

Head is pounding, so this will have to be short. Last night's party was awesome. Friend from work Lisa introduced me to some of her friends. Drank too much, but oh well.

Talk later (after this goddamn headache's gone),

Nat xx


Grey clouds scudded against a gloomy sky, multiplying until the sky was invisible.

Hazel lay on her bed, laptop propped open on the cushions in front of her. She closed Natasha's email and opened up another window, containing her university study plan.

Her feet kicked infrequently behind her, sock-covered toes occasionally touching the poster-covered white walls. A chipped blue clock ticked peacefully on her bedside table, seated next to a green Polaroid camera. Photos had been stuck in the shape of a heart on the one blank wall opposite her, displaying the faces of Hazel's family, friends and various places. Her worn Converse lay abandoned at the foot of her bed.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she studied the laptop screen.

Enrolment: Bachelor of Arts

Study Period: Semester 1, 2019

Student Number: 10345289

Student Name: Hazel Mara Brown

Introduction to Writing (CRW101)

General Fiction (CRW102)

History of Poetry (CRW103)

Novel Genres (CRW104)

She closed the window and opened another one.

Enrolment: Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

Study Period: Semester 1, 2019

Student Number: 10345289

Student Name: Hazel Mara Brown

Basics of Education (EDU101)

Teaching for Professional Purposes (EDU102)

English Studies (ENG133)

Introduction to Writing (CRW101)

Closing that window, she shut her laptop and rolled over to stare at the ceiling.

"Education or writing," she muttered, closing her eyes. When she was younger, she used to think that becoming an adult meant magically having all the answers. Now she knew better.

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