Chapter Twelve

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each strong in their own way



they can be both simultaneously



Subject: New Stuff

Hey, Nat,

So much stuff has happened since your last email. First, the project I'm 'being cagey about', as you put it, is a bit of a private thing. I'm doing it for a friend I met at Scrabble club, so I can't really talk about it yet. Promise to give you details when I can.

Second: I have a boyfriend. I'll wait for you to pick yourself up off the floor... Okay. You ready?

His name is Theo, short for Theodore. He's actually the grandson of the friend I mentioned before. He's twenty-one and he wants to be a primary school art teacher. I can hear you telling me to get on with the juicy stuff, so here it is. He's tall, much taller than me, with pale green eyes and brown hair that hangs to his shoulders. His hair actually reminds me of a phrase I read once: 'sheared lion's mane'. He works part-time at the community centre I play Scrabble at – that's how we met.

We went on our first date to a concert at Riverstage in Brisbane. He kept it a secret from me until we got there. His friend Jonah played bass in the band that performed, Orange Suns and we got to meet the band after the show. We had dinner at Grill'd. He called me beautiful – twice. (We've also kissed a few times – there, is that enough details for you?)

I'm so happy at the moment – everything's falling into place. If I could only make a decision about uni, then I would be perfectly content!


Hazel xo


Hazel pressed SEND and closed her laptop, her eyes stinging. She'd been researching her career options and the degrees she was enrolled in for hours, ever since she'd come home from the store. As she shut the screen, the darkness gathering in her bedroom suddenly filled her vision. She heard raindrops thundering on the roof. It was raining heavily for the first time all month.

When did the sun set? she wondered, shaking her head at herself. As she got up to turn on the light, her phone rang. She picked it up. An unknown number. Frowning, she answered. Maybe it's something to do with the bookstore. A confused customer, or something. "Hello?"

"Hazel? Is that you? Oh, thank Christ."

The voice sounded familiar, but she was so disoriented by the sudden dark that she couldn't place it. "Who is this?"

"It's Renée. Charlotte's mother."

"Oh, hi! I'm sorry I didn't recognise your voice – I'm a bit out of it at the moment. Um – are you okay? Is Charlotte okay?"

"Um, no, we're not okay." Renée made a strange sound. After a second, Hazel realised it was a sob. "Charlotte's missing. I have no idea where she is, she didn't leave a note or a message of any kind. I'm actually calling on her phone. I think she's run away – she left it here on the bench."

Hazel's heart stopped. "Oh, my God. Is there anything I can do? Would Charlotte's dad know where she is?"

Renée scoffed. A hard sound. "Her dad wouldn't know anything about it. He's, um, not currently at home and not answering the phone. Would you be able to come over?"

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