Chapter Nine

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Staying close to Grizz's side, as it provided some much needed comfort, they both approached the traditional, iconic, yellow school buses, which were filling to the brim with excitable teens, looking forward to the break for a number of different reasons. For Tess, it was the forthcoming serenity and tranquility that the forest offered her.  On the many occasions that Campbell had brought her to her lowest point, had rid herself of any true self worth, she had escaped to the forest, seeking shelter in it's simplicity, but at the same time appreciating its complex nature. She would spend hours, staring into the forest's canopy, listening to the orchestra of sounds around her and be healed. Grizz, by her side, on reaching the steps at the front of the bus, gestured with his arm for her to enter ahead of him. 

Clambering up the steps, she smiled whole heartedly on recognizing a number of faces seated on either side of the walkway. Cassandra, Allie and Will all greeted her, as she entered and she smiled and waved in response, them continuing their conversation animatedly. Seeing her brother and his friends at the back of the bus, Tess made her way through the bustling teens, who were situating themselves. Just as she was halfway down, a figure shadowed her frame and she awkwardly stumbled into their muscled chest, rebounding painfully, her hands managed to secure themselves tightly around the metal bars on the backboards of the seats. A lewd, throaty chuckle drew her gaze in front of her and she was not surprised to see Campbell's intimidating stature blocking her path; a interpretive summation of their relationship together. Around them, their peers seemed oblivious to the intense stand off. 

"Hi beautiful", Campbell smirked, intending to prey on her further, so that she would never feel free of his grasp; he would always be there, taunting her, "wanna be seat buddies?". About to retort, Tess sensed a form behind her, almost sensing the restraint and anger radiating. His smirk growing wider, Campbell crossed his arms in front of his frame tauntingly. Grizz delicately clutched onto Tess' upper arm, pulling her gently towards him, whilst his body propelled forward, coming in between her and her ex. His frame covered hers protectively, blocking Campbell's humored gaze. Now interested, a number of teenagers, had stopped their conversations, drawn to the scene. Curious hypotheses were whispered amongst them; trying to divulge the cause of the stand off between the two males, many eyes flickered towards Tess accusingly. 

"Move Campbell," Grizz crossed his arms across his chest, copying the actions of the antagonist in front of him, for a moment Campbell stood his ground, yearning and hankering for the attention that he was receiving around him, enjoying eliciting emotions from the male in front of him, who he knew harbored feeling for the stunning blonde. However, Campbell's eyes wavered and wondered over the frame of his opponent, taking in the height and weight advantage that the other possessed. He was also not one to initiate a brawl or altercation, unless it was with someone who he could have control over, who he could own; it would ruin the perfect facade that he had imprinted on the residents of the town. 

Grizz took a confident stride towards Campbell his hands now dropping to his sides, his hands shaking slightly, his fingers clenching and unclenching. "Move out the way asshole," at the insult, Campbell's eyebrows rose sneeringly, a puff of air exhaled from his nostril and a corner of his lips rose, but he maneuvered his body so that he was pressed against the seats, leaving enough room to pass. Grizz clutched onto Tess' hand behind him, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance as he pulled her gently towards the back of the bus, "she's sitting with me" Grizz stated as he passed Campbell, daring him to try anything. 

Campbell's predatory gaze locked onto Tess as she passed beside him, his head stooping to watch her. Grizz's eyes narrowed, he gently placed his hand on Tess' lower back, which surprised her for a moment, before guiding her to keep moving forward. Taking another step forward, his fingers left her spine, however she could still feel his lingering touch. Turning her head to gaze over her shoulder, she frowned seeing that Grizz had stopped moving. 

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