Chapter 15

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"should i?"

no please no don't say it  no no pabo

"why not? But you know move on is better find the new one and you will feel more better"

"its hard" he sounds sad again

"yeah i know its hard but at leats i also try and i find the new one but.." you said and stop at your words

" but what?" he ask

"nah nothing btw you really don't want to know my name?"

"why would i? Not important btw" taehyung being sarcastic again

"my name is y/n its pretty right? My grandma give it cause my mom can't even think so yeah"

"oh nice me too my name came from my grandma and,,,, im taehyung "

i know you are taehyung and now i be more happier when you tell me yourself your name

Are we strangers now?

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