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"Order a cease-fire to the Uchiha, effective immediately." Hashirama ordered, with not a hint of jester lingering in his tone. It was time to step his foot down.

"What makes you think that the Uchiha will heed to it, elder brother? I surely killed his younger brother." Tobirama spoke out of spite.

"Stop saying such things!" The Senju leader smashed a fist onto the table, unlike his usual cheery self. Tobirama frowned, and quickly scrapped up a letter to send. He knew better than to get on his brother's bad side, especially pertaining issues with the Uchiha.


Ayumi stood up on her two feet now patting away the dust on her yukata, eyeing the two Uchiha brothers who's bond only grew stronger after making it out alive.

"I think it's time I take my leave." The Hyuga princess spoke.

Madara hesitated for a bit, his gaze lingered on her for longer than usual.

"You will stay." Madara ordered.
"Yeah. What if something happens to you?" Izuna sat upright, gritting his teeth. He was still slightly in pain, she noted.

Ayumi shook her head, her black tresses falling. "I'll be safe. And Izuna is making great tracks towards recovery. I'll write a list of things you need to do to take care of him, Madara. My clan folks need me."

Madara nodded his head, understanding all too well what the duties of a leader entailed. He had been slacking recently, which was highly unlike him, but it was worth it if he could see to his brother's health.

"Hm? What's this?" Madara spoke, an eagle had flown in through the window sill and landed on his shoulder. He quickly unravelled the notes contents, scrunching his face in disgust, but then softening his expression once his eyes had landed on Izuna's.

"What is it?" Ayumi rubbed her chin and pouted, not sure if she was budding her nose where it shouldn't be. Madara slid the note away from him towards her across the floor.

"A cease of fire from the Senju." Madara said.

"Looks like they beat us to the alliance!" Ayumi exclaimed.

"Aniki, you were still considering one, even after what happened?" Izuna was staring at his brother with a scrutinizing gaze.

Ayumi gulped.

"I can't risk losing you again, Izuna. This way casualties will stop."

His brother scoffed. "You're losing your judgement. They cannot be truste-"
"Izuna." Ayumi's face grew stern, a coldness laced in her tone. Izuna looked at her.

"You are only alive because of me." She spoke hard, stepping forward. "Next time I can't be so sure we'll be lucky."

"It sounds like you're threatening me into an alliance with my younger brother's life." Madara stood up in front of her, his sharingan hovering over her. She froze, it was almost as if she felt trapped. "Don't forget what territory you're on." He spoke malicely.

She gulped. This was the side of Madara that had absolutely frightened her. But no, I must stand my ground!

"Stop twisting words into my mouth, Madara!" She choked on her tightened throat, she felt as if it was constricting.

Madara noted that tears were beginning to swell up in the corners of her eyes. He bit his tongue, perhaps he had spoken too brashly. It suddenly dawned on him that she lost her younger sister to the Senju, yet here she was out of all people insisting on this alliance. Madara did not want to see her cry.

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