🍋 PART 44 🍋

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This chapter is going to be their wedding! Hurray!
I also wanted to add that there is a LEMON in this chapter, so please skip ahead if it's not your thing. Enjoy!


Madara had been dreading it. He already hated it. He swiftly drank sake from a drinking dish he had been served, as a part of traditional ceremonial practice.

They stood outside on an alter, being pestered left and right by clansmates and civilians alike. But every time Madara would glance at his wife, who looked rather beautiful at the moment, and see her smile, his temper would dwindle down tenfold. Ayumi had been more tolerant of the crowding, meeting people with a smiling face and shaking their hands. She was adorned in a silk kimono made of colours like gold and maroon, not the traditional white. Meanwhile Madara had worn a formal black kimono which proudly showcased the Uchiha clan's famous crest.

But Madara's blood quickly riled up as, from a distance, his eyes fell on Tobirama's, who had been seated beside Izuna. Izuna would send Tobirama death stares every now and then and was rather glum around him, but both were adamant to keep the peace for the sake of a smooth ceremony. Madara's eyes narrowed though, and he could already hear faint bickering from the two.

"Oi, Madara." Ayumi tugged the Uchiha's ear. "Don't think of starting a scene. Not here."
Madara growled.

"Madara growled

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"Let go of me. I have no interest in that fool." Madara retorted, flickering her wrist away. But Ayumi was quick to chuckle instead, nudging his elbow.

Madara looked down at her, and he felt her slim fingers wrap around his hand. She looked up at him, and he would be lying to himself if he said he hadn't felt slightly dumbfounded by the way she had looked at him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Madara looked away, resisting a heat to his cheeks. Ayumi would notice it though, and she brought a hand to her lips. "You look really good, Madara."

He calmed down, and peered down at her from the corner of his eyes. "Likewise."

Madara took one swift glance at all the attendees, and for just a brief moment, Madara could have sworn he saw his brothers.
They had been instead commemorating his wedding in his heart, if not in this world.
And Ayumi likewise, except with her passed sister.


Madara held Ayumi's hand, and the other held a lantern while they walked. Madara couldn't lie to himself, he quite thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony, and that was only because she was there. Ayumi had been overcome with emotions, recalling at so how often she would tear up near her friends and family. But Ayumi was here now, right beside him. Ayumi had been appreciating the green scenery around them. It was beautiful, and the stars were twinkling brightly. They often made nature-stops along the way to appreciate earth's bounties.

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