Chapter 4 ;

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[Naeun’s POV]

I was hospitalised for a few days before being told to rest at home for a few days, all in all, I missed at least a week’s worth of school. Eottokhae? Examinations are coming up too!

But throughout this whole time, Myungsoo came over almost everyday, occasionally with either EXO-oppas, Infinite-Oppas or Apink-unnies. It’s always a laughable moment when both infinite and apink come together, especially with Woohyun-oppa and Chorong-unnie.

“Naeun-ah~ Are you okay?” I saw a hand waving in front of me, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the person waving, as usual, it was Myungsoo.

“Eh? Neh, I was just thinking of some designs that would appeal to the younger generations~” I said quickly before taking my sketches and started sketching again.

Ding Dong~

“Oppa, who’s coming over today?” I questioned. As I go back to school tomorrow, I’m pretty shocked that people still come.

But what I was smost shocked at was…

Only 10 of them came.

I sat up quickly when I did not see Luhan Oppa or Kris Oppa. “Guys, where is Luhan and Kris?” I questioned. Something’s not right.

“Uh… The thing is…” Kai started.

“Were the rumours true? Kris and Luhan left? Luhan isn’t in a good condition? Kris left for acting?” I questioned my tone dead serious.

All 10 of them nodded slowly. Chen then spoke up. “They hope that we would respect their decision, which we did, but some of the people in school still think Kris has betrayed us and Luhan… his condition isn’t that well enough to attend school…”

I looked down. “Naeun-ah, gwenchanna?” Myungsoo asked, looking at me. I nodded.

“I guess we have to respect their decisions neh? I mean, if it means for them to be happier. But with all of these happening, I’m sure EXO-oppas are the ones that are hit the worst.” I said, looking up, smiling gently.

Suho smiled and ruffled my hair. “That’s our princess.” Soon, all of them broke out into their usual goofy grins and charming smiles.

Myungsoo and Kai sat at either side of me, while the rest of them told me all the funny things that happened during the week. I laughed as they re-enacted the scenes with a little exaggeration… well maybe not a little, but a lot.

[Myungsoo’s POV]

As EXO hyungs were re-enacting yet another incident, I felt vibrations in my pocket. I took my phone out to see Sungkyu hyung calling, I went to Naeun’s balcony and answered it.

“Wae?” I questioned.

“Please don’t tell me you’re still at her place.” Sungkyu said over the phone.

“What if I am?” I said

“Myungsoo-ah, you are spending way too much time with her! Have you forgotten that your dads are competitors? What would your dad think about all of this?” Sungkyu exclaimed.

“Don’t you bring my dad into this hyung. I know our dads are competitors, but I’m practically the one that cause all of this, her injuries even! And she saved me from Taemin once, I owe her.” I reasoned.

I heard Hyung sigh, before warning me, “Don’t let your dad find out about this.” After he said that, he hung up.

I let out an audible sigh before I heard Naeun speak, “Go back.”

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