Chapter 1: Before Getting into MU

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~Normal POV~

Everyone on the school bus was singing the monster kindergarten song.  They were on their way to go to the Scare building. As they got there, all the kids got off the bus. "Okay, everyone! Remember our field trip rules everyone! Are no pushing, no fighting, and fire breathing." the teacher said. When she just said the no fire breathing, one kid that already. She looked at him. "What did I just say?"

She started to count how many kids were there. "Seventeen, eighteen, okay we're missing two! Who are we missing?" she said as two different knocks were heard on the bus. "Oh, Mike Wasowski and (y/n) (l/n)," she said, with a guilty look. As she turned around, the bus door opened and showed a green, small, and round monster, and next to him was a girl that looked human, but can turn into a phoenix((a/n): what is up with me and phoenixes like really!?).

"Thanks, Joe! Good luck with the crossword puzzle!" Mike Wasowski said getting off of the bus. "Yeah, hope it's going well!" (y/n) (l/n) says, also getting out of the bus. "Sorry, Michael and (y/n), I didn't see you two," the teacher said to the two kids. "That's okay. When we were on the bus, we found a nickel! I wish I had pockets," Mike said, Mrs. Graves said to the children to get your field trip buddy.

"Jeremy! You and me? Okay, no biggie", Mike said to one of the monsters. "Hailey? No? Paring up with Claire? Great choice, she's a good egg," (y/n) said also to a monster. "Russel. Mike Wasowski? Do we carpool? We're cousins," Mike said to another monster, but he ended up going with another monster. "Okay, good catching up. "Well Mike, looks likes it's you and me again," (y/n) said walking up to him. "I mean, we ARE friends after all."

"Heh, yeah," he said slightly laughing. As we started walking toward the building, we noticed all the other kids were almost there and Mrs. Graves was behind us. "C'mon, Karen, you're falling behind!" Mike said to her. "Haha, please don't call me Karen," she said. As we caught up with the others, we got a good look around the place with our tourists.

"Now, stay close together. We're entering a very dangerous area. Welcome to the scare floor," he said to us as we stared in awe. "This is where we collect the scream energy to power the whole world. Now, can anyone tell me whose job it is to go get that scream?" he asked, quizzing us.

"Scarers!" we all screamed. "That's right! Now which one of you can give me the scariest roar?" he asked as we all raised our hands and said "me".

"Ah, sir! Little green guy and phoenix over here, two o'clock!" Mike screamed as other kids let out some roars. As we tried to get the guy's attention, we both did a roar, mike doing a loud roar and (y/n) turning into her bird form and screeching. Now, this caught their attention, even the teachers. As (y/n) turned back to her human form, the two smiled but were confused that they weren't looking at them. As they turned around, they saw real scarers walking down the hallway.

"Woah," Mike said amazed by seeing real scarers in front of them. One of the scarers saw the kids and walked up to them. "Well, hey there kids! Are you on a tour with your school?" the scarer, Frank Mckay, said to them. "Yes, we're here to learn about scream energy and what it takes to be a scarer," Mrs. Graves said to him.

"Well, hey, you're in luck! Because I just happen to be a scarer! I learned everything I know from my school," he said turning his hat around that said MU. "Monsters University."

"Woah," Mike said thinking that it would be a good place to go to college. "It's the best-scaring school there is," he said, but only to have his hat taken his hat away by another monster. "You'll wish! Fear Tech's the best!" he said to us as he gave his hat back to Frank.

"Okay, you guys watch us tell me which schools are the best, okay?" he said but then pointed at his hat and whispered, "MU is." (y/n) and Mike smiled at him as he started to walk away to his station. As we started to get a better look, our tourists stopped us.

"Oops, stop right there! Don't cross over that safety line," he said as he kneeled down to us. "Human children are extremely toxic." As he got back up, other kids started to push us past them. "Woah! Hey guys! Watch the eye! Ow!" Mike exclaimed as he fell down. "Are you okay?" (y/n) asked as she helped him up.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he said dusting himself off. "Can you fly us up so we can see?" "No, my wings still haven't grown in yet," she said disappointing, looking at her wings, sadly. "Excuse me, fellas! How bout we do tallest in the back?" Mike said trying to get a good look. "Cool! I wanna be a scarer!" one monster said. "Yeah! Me too!" another replied.

"C'mon guys! We wanna see!" Mike said trying to look, only to be pushed back. "Out of the way, Wasowski. You don't belong on a scare floor," he said looking back at the scarers. As we stared at the crowd, we both heard the sound of a cart rolling some energy tanks. As we turned around and looked at the cart as it made its way towards us, we both got an idea.

"Brian! Do not step over the line!" Mrs. Graves said to a monster. "Mrs. Graves, Michael, and (y/n) went over the line," another monster said pointing to the two that were right behind Frank. As she saw, she yelled to the two, but they wouldn't listen.

As Frank opened the door and leaped in, the two went in. As they looked around, they saw a bunch of toys laying around. We saw Frank tiptoeing over the toys as we hid under a table near the door to the hallway. As he was near to scaring the kid the door opened up to be the kid's parents and Frank hid on the jacket hanger.

"See? I told you he's fine," the mother said. "Well, I thought I heard something," he said as he closed the door. As the door shut, Frank continued what he was doing. As he got to the bed, he got his claws out and scratched the bed, which made the kid wake up. When the kid saw him, he screamed and Frank left the closet, only to find the paramedics in front of him.

"What?" he asked confused. As he looked behind him, he saw the two smiling like goofballs. As he looked at them, he put his hat back on. "That was really dangerous, kids. I didn't even know you were in there," he said to us with a not-happy look. As Mike and (y/n) put their heads down in shame, his face changed into a surprised look.

"Wow. I didn't you two were in there," he said chuckling and taking his hat off to hand to the two kids. "Not bad, kids." As he winked at us, Mrs. Graves came up to us, not looking happy. "Michael, (y/n), what do you two have to say for yourselves?" she said looking at us.

"How do we become scarers?" the two said at the same time.

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