Chapter 12

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Six months. Let me be yours for six months.

Let me be yours.

He didn't say: let me have you or be mine. He asked me to allow him to be mine.

"Wait, what?" It was all I could say as I blinked so fast and so hard because my mind couldn't grasp it.

"Zoe, listen" he inched closer to me, holding my hand "I feel things for you, I don't know exactly what it is but it's here" his warm hand was comforting and calming me down "Things I thought I'd never be able to feel and I want to see this through" he rubs my knuckles making me shiver "It's okay if you don't want to deepen your feelings for me, I won't force you. You can spend this six months with me as charity" Harry's smile fades away.

Wow, he's calling himself charity. I pull back my hand and look down to collect my thoughts.

I want to believe him, I want to give him this chance. But what if this is another game for him? What if this is his revenge on me for backing down? Or worse:

What if he realizes he has no feelings for me and walks away with my heart?

"I don't know, Harry" I say refraining myself from looking to him "I'm getting back on my feet just now, I want to get and stay clean and healthy"

"We can do it together" He says with hope in his voice "Whatever you decide to do I want us to do it together" He sounds so sincere, like this is the first time he's opening up

"I can't with the games and shit shows anymore" I say quietly while looking to the hand he just touched, it's still warm

"No games" Harry grabs my hand once again, making me look into his eyes "No ruining one another" The squeeze on my hand tells me to take him seriously "I promise"

It sounded like he was vowing himself to me. I think he was. I keep on looking at him trying to make up my mind. He seems different, we only spent one day and a few hours apart but we're already different people.

His eyes never leave mine so as his grip on my hand. I take a deep breath and try to think rationally.

"How would these six months be?" I bite the inside of my mouth as I'm nervous expecting his answer

"I have to go back to London, so I thought you'd come with me maybe?" Now he holds both of my hands on his lap "I mean, you do have a branch there so nothing would stop you from working and stuff"

I nod. I actually haven't been paying attention to my European branches. I pretty much let Gabi run them since she's always over there.

"What else?" I can't quite grasp why he'd want six months if he doesn't have a plan

"It's not like I spent a year planning this" He says nervous "I just pictured us staying together, getting to know each other, being there for each other" The way he says it sounds so simple and easy

"Like we're married?" Confusion is all over my head right now

"Only if you want us to" Words slip out of his mouth "I mean, we'll live together and stuff"

"What if we fight?" I ask remembering our arguments

"We'll talk it out" He says like it was that easy

"Communication isn't our strong suit"

"Then you can hit me" He says as fast as lightning "Shit, Zoe. Why are you complicating? Do you want us to try or not?" He rolls his eyes

"I'm not complicating anything" I defend myself "I just need to know how things will be before jumping into this" I'm not bitching over it, I just need to know where I'm getting myself into "Because we can't say we'll be together and then on the first argument one of us disappears"

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