News though

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Bonnie:where is Uza
Me:oh she had to go she was busy
Me:I have good news
Bonnie:your going to update everyday?
Me:not funny
Bonnie:okay then tell me
Me:okay so Sense my dance classes are going to be short cause ScHoOl is staring for me in August 15 and I'm scared for life why cause I'm going to high school such a boring life there so that means I'm going to stop updating for not much but little meaning I won't be here much so I'm trying to update so much this last days
Bonnie:your going to leave us
Me:no I'll come back though when I'm done doing homework and studying then I'll come back here first thing promise
Bonnie:that's a promise
Me:yup but if I have time okay
Bonnie:it's a deal

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