Chapter 3

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Fran and I were sitting at lunch and she just wouldn't let go, how I need to talk to Q. I loved Quinton, once upon a time. He was my bestfriend,neighbor, I wanted him to marry me for Christ's Sake, but we just grew apart and that's his fault not mine.

"He's my boss and all but Harp I'd let him hit it. He can get it! I know you know damn well that he likes you again, you can see it in his eyes." She said dipping her fork in my plate as if we didn't order the same thing.

"He is fine, no denying it. Always have been , always will be, but I', older now. I look for other things in men now. Not just how you make me moan, I want to build a relationship where I can look to you if I go bankrupt, If I get sick, if I can't wipe my own ass Fran. I'm so tired of all these celebrities or even just regular people being with each other for what.. A YEAR, TWO the most. Women must see beyond the romance and the physical attraction and think about reality, because some men, just want the perks of being with you." I scoffed.

"I hear you Maya Angelou but, you can't sit around waiting for the perfect man to walk up in your store and bring flowers and candy and all that. It's not going to happen." She sighed all dramatically . "We just have to appreciate what men we have. I know I do."

I laughed at how she continued to eat my food.

"Why are we talking about Quinton as if he isn't engaged Fran? The man has a baby on the way. He's off my list." I said sipping my water.

"Girl stop. He don't love her, he just got stuck with her."

"Oh you mean, because she's pregnant. I had a feeling, he always messed around with her since High school, it was well overdue."

" Girl please, I work there, she isn't the only woman that be coming to see him. He likes them thicker now, with the long hair. So many girls come and say they have a meeting with him, but we alll know what that means." She said giving me a look, implying something dirty.

"He always had the pick of the lot, even when we were younger. Everybody loved Q. Everybody. So I wouldn't doubt it." I shrugged.

"So I creep , yeaaah I just keep it on the down low cause nobody is suppose to know." She sang, doing a little dance in her seat.

I laughed at her antics."You're so foolish. you saying this yet you want us to be, what is that about?"

"See I know you Harp, you got that kind of love that would make somebody never want to leave you. Hell, I love you and we been in this relationship for quite a while." She chuckled, eating a fry. " I know that you can change him, that's what this is about. the man's eyes twinkled for heaven's sake. Get a clue Harper."

"Me? He didn't want me then, what makes you think he's gonna want me now?"

"Did I stutter? Damn Naveen you need to clean out you're ears. You're lovable. Something Anastasia isn't."

"Awww that's sweet , but Q and I are in two different places."

"For now " she said reaching in my plate.

Fran could say what she wanted to but, I was so tired of the double standards in society. Men could have all the women but women couldn't dare do that. If they did they were considered a thotpocket or a whore. I'm tired of love having limits, it shouldn't. Quinton should have loved me then when I all I wanted was him, when we were bestfriends. He knew I loved him , as more than a friend but he always pretended like he didn't and quite candidly, I'm glad he got stuck with Anastasia, she was just his match. He couldn't handle me any way.



I told Fran that I didn't want to be around Q, or have to have anymore awkward conversations with him.So she picked me up instead of me having to go over there. It was just not needed in this point in my life with my hectic schedule and my new agenda. I took what Fran said and re-evaluated myself. Maybe I was a little too hard on myself. So I've been speaking to a couple guys, just courting but all of them are only looking at me for sex.

I hate when guys try to pretend as if they are honestly looking for a long term relationship , when all they want to do is get you naked and then leave you high and dry. Just be real, i'd have more respect for them if they would be. I see through all their game, and their pretense. It's actually quite boring.

I was in the gym, on the elliptical, when I heard a familar voice, sneak up behind me, I cursed my self for forgetting my earbuds today. I turned around and saw Anastasia.

"Harper?" She called.

I stopped and climbed off turning to face her, picking up my water bottle.

"Oh hey..Anastasia."

She smiled, she was very different to the Anastasia I knew in High School.

"I didn't know you go here." She said placing one hand on her stomach and another on her back.

"Yeah, neither did I."

"Ohh, upstairs the gym they have Mommy to be excercises,but it's finished now. I saw you when I came down stairs I thought I'd say hello."

"That's nice." I nodded. There was awkward silence between us for a bit.

"How many months are you?" I asked, trying to ease the silence.

"Oh I'll be Five next week." She grinned. This baby must have really changed her because she didn't look evil, or as bitter as she did back then, I found that rather refreshing.

"That's amazing, I only wonder how it feels."

"Like a giant boulder strapped onto your waist." She frowned slightly.

"It'll be over soon." I assured.

"Yeah , I know. But uhhh Harper I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry for the way, I behaved towards you in High School. I was young and immature.Now that i'm older and soon to be a Mommy I wouldn't want her or him to experience what I put you through. I was just jealous of you and Quinton's relationship. That's all." She confessed so nervously, It seemed like she really meant it.

"Look Anastasia, it's cool. I grew up, all those things are in the past. I forgave all of you guys years ago. Don't worry about it. That was big of you, and I appreciate it." I smiled sincerely.

"Really?" She sounded excited.

I nodded."Really, no hard feelings."

Before I could say anything else she pulled me into a hug, her stomach was so hard and she was fat and pudgy.

"I'm so happy. I have to tell Quinton you forgave me. He said you wouldn't." She grinned letting me go.

I nodded.

"Well I'll just go now. Bye". She smiled and waved, while she slightly waddled away.

I was having second thoughts about this book, a little writer's block. It's been a while since I updated. I felt bad. Tell me what you thinking...Vote/Comment. Excuse errors. Anastasia is on the side.(remember her from Save the last Dance?) Do you like the cast?

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