Chapter 1 - Ariel

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The sun rises and shines through the bedroom window of Ariel Carson. She rubs her eyes and stretches her body to wake herself up. After a few minutes, she gets out of bed, changes out of her pajamas, and brushes her hair. She looks in the mirror and smiles to herself. A voice calls out to her.

"Ariel! Breakfast time!"

It was her mom, Sylvia.

"I'm coming, Mom!" Ariel hollers back. "I just need to finish getting ready!"

She goes to the bathroom to wash her face. Using plenty of soap and water, she wanted to look her best like she always does. By the time she finishes up, the smell of scrambled eggs travels her way. She goes downstairs and joins her family to have breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie! Did you sleep well?" Her dad, Warren asks. "Yes, Dad. I did." Ariel says.

Ariel's three siblings, her older brother, Jacob, her younger brother, Tony, and older sister, Lauren join for breakfast as well.

"Oh goodie! Scrambled eggs!" Said Tony in a giddy tone. Everyone sits down and eats their food while happily chatting about an upcoming talent show.

"So Ariel, how's talent show practice coming along?" Sylvia asks. "So far so good. I'm going to sing and play my guitar to an Elvis Presley song." Ariel answers. "Gotta love the king of rock 'n roll!" Said Lauren. Jacob then speaks up, "Someday Ariel, you should consider becoming a singer yourself!"

Ariel smiles at her big brother. "I'll definitely think about that. Thanks Jacob!" Jacob winks at Ariel and continues to eat his eggs.

"Are you doing anything for the talent show Lauren and Tony?" Asks Warren. "As a matter of fact, yes!" Lauren speaks up. "I'm gonna do a waltz with Michael." "Who's Michael?" Tony asks. "Michael is my boyfriend. We've been dating for two months." Lauren said.

"Ah yes. He's a very sweet boy." Said Sylvia. "Good lad indeed." Said Warren. "Anyway, getting back to the talent show." Tony changes the subject. "I'm gonna sing a Chuck Berry song." He said. "I love Chuck Berry!" Jacob shouts. "Right? His music is awesome!" Said Ariel. The Carson family continues to talk about the talent show as they continue eating their eggs. After they finish, the phone rings. Ariel answers it.


"Hey Ariel! How's it going?" A female voice is on the other side. It's one of Ariel's friends, Anna Johnson.

"It's going great Anna!" How are you?"

"Eh... can't complain." Anna says. "Are you still available to hang out with me, Kayla, and Natalie later?"

"Heck yeah!" Ariel said. "What time are you girls going to come and get me?"

There's a pause on the other side. Then Anna answers, "Does 4:00 sound okay to you?"

Ariel thinks for a moment. "It does." She says.

"Sweet! See you later alligator!" Anna says.

"In a while crocodile!" Ariel says before hanging up.

Ariel spends the next few hours in her room, strumming her guitar, practicing for the talent show. A little while later, the doorbell rings. Ariel puts her guitar back in its case and into her closet. She goes downstairs and opens the door to be greeted by Anna.

"Hey girl! Ready to go?" She says.

"Yep! All set!" Said Ariel. "Where are Kayla and Natalie?"

"They're in the car waiting for you." Said Anna.

"Ariel calls to her parents, "Mom, Dad, I'll be back later!" "Okay honey! Have fun!" Sylvia hollers. "Try not to stay out too late!" Yelled Warren. "Seriously Dad?!" Ariel playfully says. "Just kidding dear!" Warren laughs. Ariel giggles to herself and walks out the door with Anna. Natalie is sitting in the front of Anna's car while Kayla is sitting in the back. Ariel sits next to Kayla, who can barely sit still.

"I'm so excited!" Kayla squeals. "What are you excited about?" Ariel asks Kayla. "We're going to see The Beatles!" Ariel raises an eyebrow. "The Beatles?" She asks in a confused tone. "Yes!!!" Kayla claps her hands unable to keep her excitement in control.

"Let me let you in on a little secret Ariel." Natalie says. "Kayla has a HUGE crush on the lead guitarist of the group, George Harrison." "Is that so?" Ariel asked. "Yep! She clearly has a bunch of pictures of him all over her room." Said Natalie. "Oh I remember them now! I've been seeing signs about their concerts whenever I go to talent show practice!" Ariel says. "Do you have a crush on any of them, Anna?" She asks.

"I do actually." Anna answers. "The rhythm guitarist, John Lennon. He can be a bit cheeky at times. But he's got a heart of gold deep down inside." Natalie speaks up after Anna finishes, "I have MY eyes on the drummer, Ringo Starr! How about YOU, Ariel?"

Ariel looks down at her hands. Eventually she speaks. "I don't know girls. I've heard they're all insanely handsome. But I'm afraid I'm undecided on who I think is the cutest."

Kayla smirks at her. "I'll bet you're crushing on the bass player, Paul McCartney."

"Kayla!" Ariel said as she playfully slaps her on her arm. "What?! He's got these big doe eyes that pretty much every girl falls in love with!" Said Kayla.

All the girls laugh. They eventually reach their destination to see The Beatles perform.

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