Chapter 27 - Ariel Marries Paul

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One week later, it's finally the day of Paul and Ariel's wedding. Ariel spends the first part of the day getting her hair and makeup done. She walks back to her house with her straight hair curled and glittery makeup on her face. She's greeted by her friends.

Ariel's hairstyle:

Ariel's hairstyle:

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Ariel's makeup:

"Oh my gosh, Ariel, you look beautiful!" Said Anna

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"Oh my gosh, Ariel, you look beautiful!" Said Anna. "We're so excited for later!" Said Kayla. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry. But this is such a happy day for you!" Said Natalie. "You girls are the best! I'm lucky to have such good friends!" Said Ariel. She gathers her friends into a group hug. Hours later, it was time to get ready for the wedding. Everyone arrived at the church and mingled before the wedding started. They even got their pictures taken.

Once the wedding started, everyone took their places. John was Paul's best man while Ariel's friends were the bridesmaids. Warren walks his daughter down the aisle and she sees Paul smiling as she approaches him. Ariel hands her flowers to Kayla after she reaches the end of the aisle. She and Paul hold hands and face each other as the priest speaks. "Dearly beloved. We're gathered here today to honor Ariel Carson and Paul McCartney in marriage. You two have written your own vows, yes?" He said. "We have." Said Paul. "Ariel, you may go first." Said the priest.

Ariel takes a deep breath before speaking. "Paul, from the moment I met you, it was the greatest day of my life. Your mind stirs my soul, your touch delights me, and your faith gives me strength. With you as my husband, I feel the love of the universe which spreads peace and harmony over all things. I love you without fear, without hesitation, and promise to support you, encourage you, and cherish you as your wife. You are my love, and my guide, a true partner, a man that I will love, hold close, honor, kiss, and cry with for all the days of my life." She says with a smile.

Paul feels his eyes fill with tears and they fall down his cheeks as he smiles. "Beautiful vows, Ariel! Paul, it's your turn." The priest said. Paul clears his throat before he speaks. "Ariel, meeting you was the best thing that's ever happened to me. As your husband, I am yours, and I tenderly deliver you my heart. I love you and thank the Lord for bringing you into my life. As we enter into the sacred bonds of matrimony I promise to always love you in sickness and in health, in poverty or wealth, in sorrow and in joy, and to be faithful to you, my wife, so long as we both shall live." He says with a smile.

The crowd breaks out in "awww's" as Ariel smiles with her hand over her chest. "Wonderful vows, Paul! Both of you did a very good job! Now, do you, Paul, take Ariel as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Said the priest. "I do." Said Paul. "And do you, Ariel, take Paul as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asks. "I do." Said Ariel.

"May I have the rings please?" The priest asked. Tony comes over holding a pillow with the rings. Paul takes the small ring and slips it onto Ariel's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed." He said. Ariel takes the big ring and slips it onto Paul's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed." She said. "Before I make this marriage official, if anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

No one says a word. The priest continues. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He says. The crowd cheers as Ariel and Paul kiss as a married couple. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs Paul McCartney!" The priest said. Everyone heads to the reception. Around that time, Paul and Ariel cut the cake. After everyone eats, it was time for Paul and Ariel's first dance as husband and wife.

They gracefully dance across the floor. Ariel leans her head against Paul's chest while he leans on her head. Afterwards, they lock eyes and smile while they dance. "This is the happiest day of my life!" Said Ariel. "I know just how you feel, love! I'm so happy that you're finally my wife!" Said Paul. "And it feels wonderful that you're finally my husband!" Ariel said. After the song ends, they gently kiss.

The rest of the reception goes beautifully. When it was time for the bouquet toss, Ariel turns around and throws her flowers. As they fly through the air, all the girls try to catch it. Until they get caught by one of Ariel's friends, Kayla. "Great catch, Kayla!" Said Ariel. Everyone cheers. "Who's the lucky lad?" One of the random girls asked. Kayla finds herself locking eyes with George. He takes her hand and kisses her forehead.

At the end of the day, Paul carries Ariel into her house bridal style then go upstairs to her bedroom. Paul gently puts Ariel down on her bed and kisses her forehead. "It's official! We're now husband and wife!" He said excitedly. "I know! I'm so glad!" Ariel said. She and Paul give each other a quick kiss on the lips. "I'm gonna put my pajamas on now." Said Ariel. "Okay, love. I'll change in the bathroom." Said Paul. He grabs his pajamas and takes them into the bathroom to change.

Paul comes back a few minutes later and wraps his arms around Ariel. "Ready for bed, wifey?" He asked. "I'm so ready. It's been a long but romantic day." Ariel said. Paul nods and the two tuck themselves into bed with their arms wrapped around each other. "Good night, Paul, my handsome husband." Said Ariel. "Good night, Ariel, my beautiful wife." Paul said. The two kiss and eventually drift off to sleep. Ariel snuggles into Paul's chest and smiles as she sleeps soundly and peacefully.

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