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6:12 PM


ryes_pie: Lets play 21 questions

sassyAF: why?

ryes_pie: Because i wanna know more about u mah friend :)

sassyAF: okay then, you start.

ryes_pie: 1) Whens ur birthday?

sassyAF: february 16th

sassyAF: 1) same question. 

ryes_pie: Jan. 24th

ryes_pie: 2) Favorite food? 

sassyAF: if its edible, i'll eat it.

sassyAF: 2) favorite movie?

ryes_pie: Star Wars def

ryes_pie: 3) Fav video game?

sassyAF: i don't play video games

sassyAF:.....but if i did it would be fifa

ryes_pie: Omg same

sassyAF: 3) if you could visit any place on earth, where would it be?

ryes_pie: Paris, its my dream to go to the top of the eiffel tower

sassyAF: thats cute.

ryes_pie: 4) Same question?

sassyAF: i don't know, iceland maybe?

ryes_pie: Why Iceland?? Isn't it really cold there?

sassyAF:.......im confused as to how you passed history

ryes_pie: ??

sassyAF: nevermind, 4) any secret talent?

ryes_pie: I like to sing, but I wouldnt say im good at it :/

sassyAF: i bet you are fantastic.


sassyAF: shut up and ask your question.

ryes_pie: 5) Sexuality?


sassyAF: i don't have to give you that information.

ryes_pie: You didn't have any problem answering the other questions?

sassyAF: i just think that someone else's sexual orientation should be their business and no one else's.

ryes_pie: Oh.. okay

sassyAF: 5) what makes you the angriest?

ryes_pie: Uhhh when im arguing with someone, and they know they're wrong, but they wont admit it

ryes_pie: 5) Same question

sassyAF: you.

ryes_pie: :O

ryes_pie: I am offended

sassyAF: im kidding, uh, probably homophobes.

ryes_pie: Oh?

sassyAF: because their only argument is "because it said it in the bible!" like the bible also says that you shall drink jesus's blood and eat jesus's body like what the actual hell?

ryes_pie: Oh..

sassyAF: shit, i've got to go. one of my co-workers called in and i have to cover for her.

ryes_pie: Aw ;( we'll finish this after though right?

sassyAF: of course.

ryes_pie: Okay! Cya

sassyAF: bye rye.

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