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"Us go find my brother and you friend. Come," Larry says, extending his hand to me. I take it and he unlocks and opens the door to pure chaos. The stairs are jammed with kids trying to rush and get out of the house. I grab a hold of his shirt when he takes back his hand to help part the crowd.

Vomiting and the adrenaline rush I was experiencing completely sobered me up. We finally descend the stairs and begin to search for Lau and Lindey.

"Lindey!," I yell hoping she can hear me over the commotion.

"Lau!," Larry calls out.

"Frère!," both of our heads snap in the direction of Lau's voice. I breathe a sigh of relief when I catch a glimpse of Lindey next to him. Larry clears the path so we can make it over to them. Lindey looks at mine and Larry's entwined fingers and raises a brow. I mouth "not now" to her and she nods.

"Frère la police est sur le chemin. nous ne pouvons pas les laisser vous attraper. nous devons y aller maintenant," (Brother, the police are on the way. We cannot let them catch you. We must go now!) Lau says to Larry in terse French.

"Je connais. Allons-y," (I know. Let's go) Larry responds. Lau's intensity makes me want to question what they are saying but I don't. Now isn't the time.

"Where are the twins?," I ask Lindey.

"Mindy's already left with one of her girlfriends. She's going to meet us at the house. Come on, we've got to find Mandy." I go to follow Lindey but get yanked back by Larry.

"Belle, we must leave. Now." I shake my head.

"We can't leave Mandy. We have to find her before we can go."
Larry looks to Lau who gives him a disapproving look.

"Je ne peux pas simplement la laisser, frère. Je dois m'assurer qu'elle est es securite," Larry says (I cannot just leave her brother. I have to make sure she is safe.) Lau rolls his eyes then turns to me and Lindey.

"Us hurry. Go!," Lau says as he motions us forward. After checking the kitchen, main party areas and a few other rooms we find Mandy with a group of people on the patio still partying. She was currently doing a keg stand with Zach Bowery and another jock I didn't know holding her straight up in the air by the ankles with her legs in a wide open V. Mandy had worn a cute , flowy, floral chiffon summer dress to the party so were goodies were on full display. Her look had gone from Paris Chic to Red District.

Lau and Larry averted their eyes in respect. Lindey stepped forward to collect Mandy.

"Mandy, what the fuck, let's go!," Lindey said attempting to remove Zach's grip on Mandy's ankle. Zach, completely wasted by now, steps in Lindey's way to block her.

"Come on Lindey, she's having fun. Don't be such a bit-" Zach's' sentence cut short when Lindey grabbed his baby makers and squeezed them like stress balls. He lost his grip on Mandy's ankle. Mandy is saved from falling by the other jock.

Upon seeing his friends punishment, he quickly helped Mandy down and even smoothed her dress back into place. His eyes begged Lindey not to make him sterile. The twins wince in unison at Zach's pain. Zach crumbles to the ground once she finally lets go. His mouth is hanging open but no sound comes out. The pain has completely stolen his voice. Mandy can hardly stand up. She is totally trashed.

"Ssswhat's ssup SssLindey?," Mandy slurs. Lindey waves her hand in front her face.

"Uggh..your breath. You are so fucked if mom sees you like this Mandy." Mandy doesn't hear Lindey's scolding. She goes limp as Lindey attempts to drag her through the patio door. Lau steps in and scoops Mandy into his arms.

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