Chapter One: Meeting Moonsault

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"No! I won't let you take me, Guzzlord!" A voice rang out.

"Too late..." Another voice rang out and everything seemed to turn to black...


A Popplio girl was lying down on a path. "Ugh, what happened? Why is everything blurry? Everything's... going..." She felt her sight failing "Dark...."


A Litten, who calls himself Moonsault, was walking along the path, and then he saw the same Popplio we just saw. "Who--?" he thought. "Who is that?" He stared at the girl. He felt kind of weird, like he... well...

No! I am too young for love! Litten thought. But he still felt the urge to help her stay safe. He picked her up and took her to his house...


I woke up in a strange room. I didn't know what happened? Am I at home? I know I'm a human female, and that my name is Aria. And I have become a Popplio.

Wait... I've become a Popplio? What the hell? Anyways, a Litten entered the room. And I have to admit, he's kind of cute.

"Hey, Popplio. You were asleep for 12 hours! What the hell? Have you been kicked out of a dungeon?" Litten said.

"Hello, my name is Aria, and no. Whatever a dungeon is." I murmured. That was new.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A DUNGEON IS?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE---" He said a cuss word, I cannot repeat what he said, but I knew that it wasn't good.

"Ummmmmmmmm..." I replied. "That's not good."

"Sorry for cussing. That was wrong of me." Litten replied. "I'm Moonsault. I was heading up to my friend, Raid's house. Raid's a Rowlet. I'm a Litten. And you apparently are a Popplio. I guess that would make it full circle. So, do you want to join our expedition team?"

"S-sure..." I said. This was new, but I couldn't wait...

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