Chapter 2

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The pain keeps coming like a thousand knives everywhere on my body. I could fight them off, but it's ok, I know I deserve the cuts, the bruises because it's all my fault that they are gone now. My saviours from the shadows, burning in midday sunlight. I am emo, I am a fag and I am worthless.

Once they are gone, I try to numb the pain with the coldness of the rain. There's nothing much I can do about my open wounds so I leave them to heal themselves. There is no serious damage to my legs so that's good,but my wrist is probably sprained or something from them pushing me to the ground so hard.

Now this is when I am supposed to tell you that I pull out my razor and slide it across the skin of my wrist. I made a promise to myself to never do that ever again no matter how bad I want to feel alive or rid of the painful numbness.  I will never do that again, I just have to keep clinging on.


I wake up the next day with aching bones and what looks like bandages on my arms. . . . . . duh hell? My wrist seems to have a support strapped on it and beside me was some pain killers and some water. Attached to the water was a note that says

Take the pain killers when you wake up - Blake

So this guy really does care and isn't doing this for a prank.I take the pain killers and start to walk to the nearest public telephone.

I put in some of the change i made from yesterday and dial in 07788867712.

Blake- hello?

Crimson- hey, erm it's Crimson I assume that your Blake.

Blake- Yeah this is Blake

Crimson- just asking, how do you know me?

Blake- I'll tell you that later, you just get some rest, I'll come find you.

Crimson- erm ok I'll see you when I see you

*end of call*

Damn this mysterious guy, if God was finally sending some sort of hero in my life now he's way too late. In the end no one ever cares and no one will ever be able to save me.


It's now probably midday judging by the sun......and the massive unnoticeable clock in the middle of the station. I don't want to waste the

money I've earned, but god I'm starved. It's just a packet  of crisps right?

I walk and go to the corner shop and buy a packet of salted crisps. People walking by look at me, like I'm a freak, like I should be locked up in a cage and never let out. But I don't care, I'm too hungry.

"OH LOOK THE FAGGY IS EATING EAT THIS EMO" the person threw a can and sandwich at me.

But I don't care I haven't eaten .... fot too long

When I'm done, I feel disgusted by my own actions, I'm such a pig. I'm already most likely overweight so why am I eating more?

I run to the underground unisex toilets (a/n if these exist please tell me) and spill the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Breaking down those walls that was shielded by my stone face I cry into my knees.





Just kill yourself

Cut cut cut cut cut

All I can do is scream, scream for my saviour, scream for death to come, reject the promise I made and just let myself die. But then like beacon in darkness. ....

"Savior will be there, when you are feeling alone, oh a saviour for all that you live freely without the harm"

Arms were wrapped around my neck and a voice was singing in my ear softly.

"ssshh it's okay I won't let anyone hurt you ever again"

I looked up to see........

I'm sorry if this was too long.... and for not updating for a while so vote and comment for me pweeeeees

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