chapter 3

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I stepped off the bus and when i started to walk up the metal rusted stairs i could hear my dad lighting up and my mom getting drunk it has been going on since i was little,but everytime it happen's i am still surprised. So i took the stair's like my shoe'swere full of cement.At the top of the stair's i twisted the cold metal door knob and nothing happened,but i was'nt surprised about this though because my pops always locked the door when he was getting high,he thought the police would somehow barge in.I knocked on the door loudly saying open up.I heard the chains begin to move on the other side of the door and the click of the old bottom lock being turned so that i could come in.I turned the knob once again but beforei had the chance to take my first stepinto the house my dad had swng the door open and had already started to scream and yell at me.I knew this was'nt good because i knew what was coming next.He started sluging me in the jaw and stomach and felt my knee's guve way underneath me.,But i didnot cry or yelp in pain.I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing i was in pain.It would not have helped anyway no one would come especially no one in this neighborhood they just kept to their own buisness.,But that's just how it was for me.Then the dark came over me and i shut my eye's.

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