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Momo was looking out her window, sipping tea calmly as she watched lightning flash. "Looks like rain." She mumbled to herself. Personally, she enjoyed watching the rain. It had a rather calming effect on her, making her feel more relaxed. Momo smiled as she watched small drops run down the glass.

A certain ringing sound caught her ear. She turned her attention from the window and listened to the sound. The sound repeated, echoing through the house. That meant someone was outside the gate to her house. But who would be here at this time? Momo hadn't been expecting any visitors anytime soon. Getting up from her chair, Momo headed towards the security room.

Once she reached the room, she headed over to the microphone. "Hello. Who is this?" Momo spoke into the microphone. For a minute, Momo could only hear silence. Suddenly, a familiar voice responded. 

"Hey Momo! Can you.... let me in?" Jirou's voice was heard clearly through the speaker. Momo sighed in relief when she heard her friend's voice. She had honestly thought she'd have to answer to a stranger or villain. However, Jirou's voice was just as worrying as any villain. She sounded... afraid.

Realizing Jirou was waiting for an answer, Momo shook her head clear of her thoughts. "O-Of course. I'll be down in a second." Setting the microphone down, Momo reached over to press the button that activated the gate. Hearing the familiar clicking sound, Momo rushed out of the room, prepared to greet her friend.

By the time Momo reached the door, Jirou was waiting patiently outside. Momo opened the door and was met with the sight of a shivering Jirou. Jirou was soaked to the bone, her hair dripping wet and teeth chattering. Momo gasped and quickly gestured her in. "Come in, come in!" Jirou mumbled a quick thanks as she hurried inside.

Once Momo had closed the door, she turned towards Jirou. "Why were you out there!? Do you know how dangerous that is!?" Momo practically yelled. Jirou froze, surprised at her friend's reaction. She hadn't expected Momo to scold her; then again, Momo always surprised her. 

"Well, what am I supposed to do when my parents are out of town and I forgot my keys at school!?" Jirou retorted back, huffing. The cold was getting to her now, and Jirou violently shivered. She wrapped her arms around herself and gritted her teeth in an attempt to stop shaking. Man, I wish I had worn warmer clothes, Jirou thought bitterly.

Momo sighed as she watched Jirou's attempt at warming herself. Thinking of the best possible solution, Momo concluded that wrapping herself around Jirou was the best idea. Jirou's wet hair brushed against Momo's shoulder, making her shiver. Even though the wet clothes prevented her from hugging Jirou normally, Momo didn't mind. 

"You should change out of those." Momo's mouth spoke the words she should have said first. Momo reluctantly let go of Jirou, and she swore she saw reluctance in Jirou's eyes too. Brushing those thoughts aside, Momo focused on creating a warm shirt and pair of pants for Jirou. "Put these on." Momo ordered as she handed them to her. The small blush on Jirou's face didn't go unnoticed as she headed towards the bathroom. 

15 minutes later, Momo and Jirou were settled in Momo's room, watching a movie. Covered in blankets on Momo's bed, Jirou couldn't feel any warmer. She gently brought the shirt Momo had made up to her nose, and Jirou was pleased to find that it smelled like Momo. The sweet scent of shampoo and strawberries made her want to faint from the comfort it brought.

"How are you doing?" Jirou turned towards Momo and smiled. After Jirou had changed, Momo had taken it upon herself to make sure her friend was doing alright. She had prepared tea and found extra blankets, just so Jirou was comfortable. Sometimes she swore what Momo was doing was unnecessary, but Momo always insisted. Jirou couldn't refuse her friend's concern for her.

"I'm doing much better, thanks." Jirou said. Momo hummed, pleased with her friend's response. Turning back to the movie, Momo slid her hand over to Jirou. Her fingers intertwined with Jirou's, and Momo settled for rubbing her thumb against Jirou's hand. Jirou's eyes now trailed down to her hand, and she bit her lip in an attempt to keep from smiling. Momo knew just the thing to calm her nerves down.

Suddenly, a flash a lightning, followed by thunder, lit up the sky. Jirou and Momo flinched as the lights went out, the movie disappearing from the screen. Momo's hand instinctively squeezed Jirou's. "Guess the power went out." Jirou muttered. Momo slowly nodded, her eyes concentrated on the window outside.

"I can create a flashlight for now." Seconds later, a empty flashlight and some batteries were created. Momo placed the batteries into the flashlight and clicked it on, lighting up the room. "That's better." Momo said as she got up, letting go of Jirou's hand. Jirou couldn't say that she didn't miss Momo's hand, because she did.

Another round of thunder started, and Jirou squeaked in surprise. Momo herself was startled and almost dropped the flashlight. Sighing as she calmed herself, Momo headed back towards her bed. "The power could be off for a couple hours." She told Jirou as she settled back under the blankets. "Great." Jirou groaned.

The sudden flash of lightning in the moment caused Jirou to fall over, right into Momo's lap. For a moment, Jirou stared blankly, before realizing her awkward position. Apologizing, she proceeded to get up.

"I seriously didn't mean to fall on you, I swear!" Jirou panicked. Momo focused her gaze on Jirou, before bursting out in laughter. " What are you apologizing for?" Momo said through her laughter. Jirou silently watched as Momo fell over, holding her stomach as she continued laughing.

Finally, her laughing ceased, and Momo smiled warmly at Jirou. Jirou's cheeks warmed as she smiled back. Everytime Momo smiled, Jirou couldn't help but smile too. It was something she had grown used to over the past year, and something she didn't plan on stopping. She never did stop, as the years passed by.

Going to the present time, Jirou was curled up bed, listening to her music. The occasional rumble of thunder was barely heard through her music. Jirou was thankful she had something to drown out the noise, but she had something better than music to help too.

A small smile appeared as she looked down at her wife, curled against her side. Momo was sleeping, with her hand tangled into Jirou's shirt and breathing even. Her hair was a mess, but it only made her look more beautiful. Jirou leaned over to place a quick pek to Momo's lips.

Momo groaned and Jirou chuckled as her wife blinked sleepily up at her. "Hey." Jirou whispered. "Hi." Momo responded, smiling. "Can't sleep?" Jirou shook her head, and Momo cocked her head to the side. "I was just remembering the first time we spent a storm together." Jirou hummed. 

"Of course. I can't forget that day. You screamed after the lights came on because my parents had found us." Momo laughed. Jirou sheepishly smiled at the memory. "I seriously thought they were going to kill me, since I came in without their permission." 

"Technically, I let you in, so it would have been my fault." Momo retorted. Jirou chuckled and settled down beside her. "I'm just glad your parents were cool with it." She dreamily looked at Momo, who looked back with stars in her eyes. "Otherwise I may never have had the chance to marry you." Bringing her hand to Momo's cheek, she leaned in and let Momo's lips capture hers.

When they broke apart, Momo wrapped her arm around Jirou's shoulder and pulled her in close. As she buried her face into Jirou's hair, she let her eyes drift towards the window. The rain continued to pour down, but all Momo could see were memories of past days.

Memories that would never be forgotten.

So, I'm thinking about making a less than happy chapter next. It's been a while since I made one. Glad you guys are enjoying reading these! :D

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