Overnight pt.2- spiderson

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"FRIDAY call an emergency Avengers meeting. Tell them to meet me at the tower."

~little time skippity~

After about 45 minutes all the Avengers had arrived, including a few other people.

"What's this meeting all about? It better be good." Steve stepped forward with his hands on his hips. honestly he looked like a middle aged mom who was done with shit.

"Something happened with Peter." At this statement most of the team had started freaking out. "He's alive don't worry. but I did find his bully."


It had been a while since I last saw Tony so i'm hoping he just went back to work the tour was almost over an-

"Hey Petey" Oh no. "So how's your little field trip going? Are these all your friends?"

"No, Scott not now." I thought he was on house arrest or something. What did Tony do?

"Aw come on they don't mind? right?"

"Hey, uh, who exactly are you?"

"Well I'm Ant-Man."


"Yeah it's fine nobody knows Ant-Man."

After that me and Scott just stayed at the back of the group chatting a bit while almost everyone was staring at us. Eventually he got some call or something so he left but i was only more scared of what was to come next. Not even 3 seconds later I could faint my hear creaking from above me and a faint "oh shit". that could only mean one thing. Clint.

"Everyone get out of the way!" I rushed to get Ned and MJ away from where Clint was surely going to fall.

*loud crashing noises and an angry cat*

"Oh My God it's Hawkeye!"

I was suddenly swarmed by my classmates who had all taken out their phones and were trying to take pictures while Clint was stuck under part of the roof.

"Hey Sp- Peter, Can you maybe help me out a bit?"

"Oh yeah sure sorry."

After I helped Clit get back up we were bombarded with questions on how he knew me.

"Hasn't Peter told you that he has an internship here?"

Of course Flash was the first to speak up, "Well yeah but-"

"Not only does he have an internship, he's Tony's personal intern." Flash didn't seem happy to be cut off and I mentally facepalmed at how stupid Clint was being. At this rate he's probably gonna tell them I'm Tony's adopted son too.

"There's no way Penis is the Tony Stark's personal intern."

"You better believe it ki- wait. What did you call Peter?"

"Oh um uh no-nothing, it's uh it's just a nickname."

"Yeah okay sure." After that Hawkeye was never to be seen again. Actually that's a lie, for about 5 minutes we all just stared at Clint struggling to get back in the vent before Olivia started the tour again.

*small time skip cuz i'm lazy*

"And here we have The Avengers Training room. We have permission to go inside and look around for about 5 minutes and then we will have an Avengers workout taught by Captain America!" Everyone seems excited to see Captain America in person but I was more afraid of what Clint had said.

After about 4 minutes Steve walked into the room wearing normal workout clothes instead of the suit everyone was expecting, no one seemed very disappointed though.

"Hey everybody I'm going to be showing you the workout me and all the other Avengers do to get ready for missions, but before we get started I want you to meet my friend Bucky."

Okay i was fine with Steve being there because I knew he wouldn't hurt/kill anyone but Bucky... I'm not so sure. Bucky walked out in almost the exact same outfit as steve except for the fact that his shirt was black, not white, and he had ripped off his left sleeve.

"Any questions before we get started?"

"Uh yeah, do you guys know Pen-peter?" Flash confidentiality stepped forward so he was standing in front of the whole class.

"Yeah of course. Pet-"

"Wait. What did you say?" Oh no. Of course Bucky has to catch Flash's mistake.

"I uh i said do you guys know Peter."

"No you almost said something else. What was it."

"I er it's just a nickname?"

"Mmm okay sure. What is this nickname?" The whole class was starting to get intimidated and Steve just looked annoyed at Bucky.

"It's ju-just kinda a a joke that we call him uh p-penis parker?"


"Uh yeah."

"Okay. What is your name."


"Alright. Flash."

"Okay Flash you can go back to your class now and we'll get this workout started." Steve probably just prevented Flash from being killed but I was really surprised that he let that go. It made me more scared on what Tony had planned.


sorry this took so long. i haven't had much motivation lately. i'm going on vacation soon so my writing might be a bit delayed but yeah enjoy the few chapters i have written. :)

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