Chapter 7

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"Sadie," he said, "Do you remember?"

I pushed my black hair out of my face daintily, just enough so I could see.

"Remember what Papa?" I whispered.

"What I said about the woods."

The laughter of the children filled my mind. Their pale face flashing through my head. Everything will be ok. I kept telling them. Let me help you. They were running away from me. They were too fast. I kept tripping over my heavy lead legs, reaching forward to them. But instead, I fell and it was black. I fell into the clearing, the fire in the center blazing wildly. The boy was there. His grin was devilish and wide. His eyes a bloody red. The children were dancing around him, hugging his legs. But as I stumbled closer to them and heard that they were begging him instead of giggling. No more kill. Please set us free. We do not belong here. He ignored them, stepping closer to the fire. He didn't see me, but the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. There was a loud vibration filling my ears, almost drowning me out. Before a blood-curdling scream wracked my mind. 

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