Chapter Five -The Journey Begins

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Just the extra characters I created :)

         The day of Lily's trip had finally arrived, and she was all packed to go. The only thing left, was figuring out how to tell her mother goodbye. She tried to write a note several times to her mother, explaining her reasoning of leaving but could not find the right words. 'Come on Granger get it together. You can do this. There is nothing in the world that you cannot do', Lily thought as she balled up another piece of paper, tossed it in the trash bin by her bed, and grabbed another piece of paper from her desk and began to write:

      Dear Mom,
          I am so sorry about this, but I had to leave.... I need to find my father. I know when I was growing up you told me all the things that you could about him. You did the best you could all on your own  and I am so proud of you for that. But now I need to go find my father and have him explain to me what caused the two of you to break up. Why could we not be a family? I love you so much, but a part of me feels empty. My gut is telling me to go now and embark on a journey of my own. Please don't hate me for this. I will be home as soon as I get the answers that I need. I will call you as soon as I get the chance and please try not to freak out too much. I know you are wondering why I could not say goodbye in person, but the truth is, if you were to ask me to stay, I would. Looking at your face as tears streamed down would cause me to stay back and I cannot. I am going to miss you so much and think about you eachday that you and I are apart. You're my reason for doing this. I'll be home in a little while.

     Love always,

        When Lily finished writing the letter, she wiped the tears from her soaked face,  placing the letter in an envelope and set it on the middle of her bed knowing this is where her mom would come looking for her when she got home.

       Lily took out her wand and pointed it at her luggage that was sitting on the edge of her bed and uttered, "Reducio" and watched her luggage shrink. She picked up her luggage, put all three bags in her pocket and then dialed Candace's number. She told her she was ready for her and Oliver to pick her up and head to the airport.

       About half an hour later, she heard a honk   from outside her window, indicating that Oliver and Candace had arrived. It wasn't more than a forty-five-minute ride when Oliver had parked his car in the parking garage and everyone got out of the car,  making their way to Guest Services for Lily to pick up the tickets her grandparents purchased for her last week. After collecting her tickets, Lily and her friends made their way to waiting area and sat down as they waited for the announcement of Lily's flight.

     ''Attention Guests, the flight from New York to London is now boarding." the announcer had called over the intercom.

    "Well this is it" Lily told her friends as she stood up and hugged her friends.

   "We actually have a surprise for you" Oliver told her as he nodded behind her as she pulled away from him.

   "What?" Lily asked confused as she turned around, her eyes widening in surprise.

    "Lily!" Helen Granger shouted as she and her husband ran to their grandchild.

     "Grandma, Grandpa!" Lily exclaimed as she ran to meet them in an embrace.

    "What are you doing here? I thought you had a Dentist Conference to attend?"

    "Do you really think we would miss seeing you off?" Roger Granger asked his granddaughter with a chuckle.

      "The day you came to visit us last week, Oliver called to set up a plan to meet you at the airport." Helen explained to Lily as she tucked a stray hair behind her head.

     "We were never going to miss the chance to see you off, we would do it with your mother each time she boarded the Hogwarts Express."

    Lily turned to her friends and hugged them once more, "Thank you so much."

     "You're Welcome, Lily" Oliver and Candace told her as they pulled back and gave Lily a big smile.

    "This is the final call for the flight from New York to London." the announcer had called out once more.

    "Looks like you better get going, Poppet." Grandpa Granger told her as he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

    "Call us when you land please." Candace told her as she gestured to all four people.

     "I will, I promise. I love you all so very much." Lily said as she gave each of them one last look and headed towards her future.

     It was about seven -thirty at night when Hermione had arrived home from the bookshop since there had been so many people purchasing books today. She had to ask Janice and Layla if they could stay past their shift to help her which they didn't hesitate to say yes. She was looking forward to having pizza and watch a Nicholas Sparks movie as they did every Friday night.

         "Lily I'm home." Hermione had called as she came through the front door. When she did not hear a reply, she set down her bags down on the dining room table and began to head upstairs to Lily's room and called again "Lily are you awake?" 

      When she didn't hear a reply, she became worried and opened the door. It was pitch black, no noise so she turned on the light and anxiety began to overcome her.

       Hermione was about to head down stairs to call the police but stopped in her tracks when she saw a letter was lying upon the bed. 'What's this?', Hermione thought as she picked up the letter and began to read it. Once she finished reading the letter, it dropped from her hands and she began to sob heavily as she laid on her daughter's bed.

'Harry, please treat her right. Please don't hurt her.' Hermione thought as she cried herself to sleep.

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