Chapter Twenty-One: Truth and a Potion

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          Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter :)

           Harry stared at Draco Malfoy with utter confusion as he cocked his head to the side. 'What on earth is this git doing here?' he thought. He hadn't seen Draco in over nineteen years, since he had moved away about a year after Harry had defeated Voldemort.

       "Well Potter, you can always take a picture since it will last longer." Draco told him snidely as he smirked.

      "What in the blazes are you doing here, Malfoy?!" Ron asked angrily. He went to step towards the blonde ferret when Seth grabbed ahold of his dress robes, stopping him from going any further.

      "Dad, don't. Do you really want to cause a scene on Harry and Ginny's wedding day?" Seth asked his father

        "If it means I can finally punch the ferret, then yes." Ron said through gritted teeth.

        "Uncle Ron, surely there's an explanation on why he is here. Shouldn't we give him the benefit of the doubt Harry?" Amelia asked as her gaze kept flickering back at the older blonde man. She felt a strange tug in her gut, as if she knew this man from somewhere. She looked into his eyes and immediately felt a connection with him. Draco glanced over at Amelia as she spoke, and his heart stopped.

          'She looks so much like her mother, except she has my nose.' Draco thought as he glanced over Amelia. For many years he wanted the chance to see his daughter up close. He had always imagined what she looked like, if she had his grey eyes, nose or his blonde hair. Sure, he had seen her in a picture in 'The Daily Prophet' but nothing compared to seeing her up close. He felt the urge to hug her, but he didn't want to scare her off before getting the chance to tell her who he was.

       "Yeah, come on Potter. Listen to the lovely girl. Trust me, I wouldn't be in this hole- in -the- wall place if I didn't have to be."

       Harry looked back at Draco and nodded as he stepped aside to let Draco enter. Once he was in, Harry shut the door behind him and followed Draco to the middle of the room. Harry leaned against the window and crossed his arms against his chest. "What brings you here, Malfoy?"

      "And how the hell did you get past my family?" Ron asked as he, Amelia, and Seth took their place beside Harry.

      "Well Weaselbee, I casted a disillusionment charm on myself before I arrived to make sure I wasn't kicked off the premises by your family. Once I knew I was in the clear, I knocked on the door, Potter opened it, and now here I am talking to you. Any other questions?" Draco snapped at Ron, causing the latter to ball his fists at his side. Draco turned his attention back at Harry, who seemed to be growing impatient.

      "As for your question, Potter, I think there is something you should know about dear old Ginny."

     "What do you mean?" Harry asked as he straightened up at the sound of Ginny's name.

      "It occurred to me a couple days ago that Ginny hasn't been so truthful to you nor I about her unborn child. As a matter of speaking, who the biological father actually is."

     Harry's jaw dropped slightly. "What do you mean? I'm the father of the baby."

      "Potter, I know you weren't the brightest Wizard of our age, but I know for damn certain you're not daft. Look, a couple of months ago I ran into Ginny outside of the dress shop while Amelia and Lily, were a across the street getting ice cream. I came to talk to Ginny about a personal matter when I asked her to meet me at the Hogs Head Inn that same night. So she came, we talked, had a few Firewhiskey's and one thing led to another." Draco explained.

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