This is a three part series. 


Holy shit it's been three months and I left on a cliffhanger... So here's a refresher:

I go to kiss Alex as he walks in the door, but he turns his head. I look at him as confusion sets in.

"Jack we cant date anymore. I'm sorry." He says, his voice monotone and his honey gaze cold.

"But why?" I ask, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall

"Jack please." Alex pleads with me.

"Is it Lisa?" I demand, my eyes narrowing.

"Yes, Jack I'm straight." He answers, as if trying to convince himself instead of me.

"Please don't do this." I say, the tears blurring my gaze.

"I have to Jack." Alex says, pecking me on the cheek before brushing past me to our room.



Lazy lover

Find a place for me again

You felt it once before

I know you did

I could see it


I walk into the kitchen, needing an energy drink to take my newly prescribed anti-depressants. It's been three months since Alex broke up with me. I've only recently concluded that he doesn't deserve the satisfaction of seeing me upset anymore. I open the door to the fridge and look over everything. We had every energy drink imaginable, Rockstars, Monsters, Red Bull- everything.

I grab a lemonade Rockstar and shut the door of the refrigerator. Opening my drink, I pop my three pills into my mouth. I take a long drink and swallow before starting to walk out of the kitchen. Right into a familiar hard chest. Alex.

"Hey Jacky." He greets casually as he brushes past me, sliding his ass teasingly over my crotch and going into the kitchen.

"Hi Alexander." I mutter and go into the living room.

Zack and Rian were chilling on the couch, watching a movie. I go over and curl up on their laps. They look at me but don't say anything as they focus back on their movie- Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride which is Rian's favorite Tim Burton film. It was at the part where Sarah gave Victor his dead dog as a wedding present. He made the dog play dead, making me laugh loudly.

"RACIST!" I shout and my two band mates laugh.

"Preach it Jacko!" Rian demands and I gladly do so.


"Jack are you smoking pot again?" He questions in between fits of laughter.

"Pfft that was one time! In my defense Tay started it! Then Vic got really mad because I made out with Kellin but it was so worth it." I grin and hear a gasp from the kitchen doorway.

Backseat Serenade (Jalex Barakarth)Where stories live. Discover now