Mortals muggles and peasants

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Hello there if you are one of the above stop reading right now because we don't wants you.

Anyways, I guess I could tell you about myself.

My name is Linwë and you will address me as so, unless I like you then you might call me something else, but that is classified information to the general public.

Anywho, I love Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, I love Harry Potter and other lots of other books, look on my profile if you want to see the whole list.

Anyway, my school is filled with peasants and there are only a handful of them who are not in that category. Anyone else have this problem. I have only encountered a few people who like Lotr or HP. *sighs* mortals everywhere,

So this is kinda my first start at this so.... it may or may not get better, bai peasants!

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