Pops part 3

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B-"What are you laughing at, HOBO."
J-"Heyyyy, you can take my food, you can date me, but dont ever call me hobo," he says while laughing.
B- "Yeah, like I would ever date you," I rolled my eyes.
B in head- To be honest, I do have a crush on him, I was just afraid he didn't like me back and that it would ruin 5 years of friendship. *J U G H E A D* Honestly, I have a really big crush on Betty, I just think she won't like me back.
                                               *B E T T Y*
    J- "Ok sure," he rolled his eyes.
   *N A R R A T O R*
    Betty laughed and started picking at her food. While she was looking down, Jughead was staring at her, smiling.
*J U G H E A D*
I love you Betty Cooper, I thought but didn't say because Betty was still there.
                                         *N A R R A T O R*
    Slowly but surely, Jughead Jones was falling for the "Perfect girl next door". Of course, nobody's perfect, but she was perfect to him, and he was perfect to her. Betty's eyes started tearing up. As soon as Jughead noticed, he said "Betty what's wrong?
    She took his hands from across the table and said, "T-thank you Jughead Jones."
    "Hm?" He replied
    "For being my best friend," she said, starting to cry more, "I've never deserved you and won't ever, you always are there for me. For god's sake when you were so caught up in getting your dad out of jail and Archie out of jail, you still had time for me."
    Jughead breathed out a little in laughter, but then he started to tear up.
    "Jug, what I'm trying to say is, you're the bestest friend ANYONE could ever have. I love you."
    "I love you too," Jughead replied, tearing up more.
    Of course they meant in a friend way. They've both been hurt, tortured, beaten down. But they had each other.
     "Should we get going?" Jughead said after a few seconds.
     So after that, Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones paid for their food and walked out, on the way out, Betty of course waved goodbye to Archie and Veronica, they waved back.
     After Jug and Betty walked out, Veronica said, "I REALLY hope they start dating, like, they're totally endgame."
     "Yeah," Archie replied, "Actually, I need to tell you something Ronnie."
     "What is it Archikins?"
     "Well, you can't tell ANYONE. Promise?"
     "Ok, so, Jughead and I were eating here one day and he said to me, 'Archie, I think I might be falling for Betty'."
     "What? You're kidding."
     "No, I'm not. And then he confirmed that he was like a few days later right after Betty and him were done eating."
     "What? Is it really THAT surprising?"
     "No but..."
     "What Ronnie?"
     "Betty said the same thing. That she was, 'falling for Jughead'."
     "Oh my god.  I'm telling him and I'm getting him to tell her," Archie said while they both laughed.
     Archie then pulls out his phone and goes onto the text messages app.
     Archie: Hey Jug
     Betty: This is Betty lol
     Archie: oh sorry 😂
     Archie switches chat
     Archie: Hey Jug
     Jug: Hey
     Archie: Sooooo
     Jug: ?
     Archie: Veronica just told me something...
     Jug: bro
     Archie: ?
     Jug: You got her pregnant didn't you 🤦‍♂️
     Archie: no wtf
     Jug: oh. Shit. I was really hoping to be an uncle lol
     Archie: 😂
     Archie: Back to what I was saying
     Jug: ok, go on
     Archie: Veronica just told me that a couple of weeks ago Betty told her that she has FALLEN for you!
     Jug: Archie stop pranking me
     Archie: I swear I'm not!
     Jug: That's something someone would say if they were pranking someone 🤔
     Archie: Jug, please believe me. You need to tell Betty that you like her
     Archie: Actually, more realistic, that you love her
     Jug: Archie...
     Archie: what?
     Jug: she doesn't. end. of. story.
     Archie: Yes she does, PLEASE tell her. I wouldn't ever lie to you about this ,knowing how much you love her.
     Jug: no, I still don't believe you
     Archie: ugh, believe what you want, but I'm telling the truth
     Jug: ugh, whatever. I'm with Betty rn so gtg bye
     Archie: ok bye then
Jug: wait Archie?
Archie: what
Jug: Tell me RIGHT NOW... did she actually say that
Archie: yes, on my mothers grave
Jug: I kinda believe you
Archie: ugh finally
Jug: but still gtg bye
Archie: ok byee
*Jug looked over at Betty* I hope what Archie said was true.

764 words (not including this)

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